Most gaming chairs are an easy 200+. At that price range, an office chair is GOING to outperform it in terms of comfort.
Comment on Gaming 2024 4 months ago99 percent of “office chairs” are the same poorly constructed garbage that “gaming chairs” are. Actually good chairs are 400-1000+ which most people cannot afford unfortunately. 4 months ago 4 months ago
You can get very high end office chairs incredibly cheap if you looks used. It’s not hard to all to find Steelcase Leaps and Herman Miller Aerons under $300 on Craigslist, eBay, FB Marketplace, or used office supply stores. 4 months ago
Any office chair in similar price range would be at least somewhat better than a gaming chair. Gaming chairs are also overpriced so there really is no reason to but one unless you prefer looks (subjective) over comfort for done reason. I was looking for some affordable refurbished ones like leap but it was either out of my price range or hard to find a good one. Ended up buying a cheap office chair, kinda regret it but ig you get what you pay for.