This is really cool, do you have a high level guide on what you used to make it?
Comment on [HELP] Recommendations for portable setup with keyboard and mouse? 3 months ago
Hear me out, you don’t want portable, you want transportable. I made this. It’s a lap tray with cushion underneath and a handle, and everything attaches to it. 3 months ago 3 months ago
Unfortunately no, at least not that I can still find. It was really just a lap tray and I used industrial Velcro with adhesive on the back, along with an adhesive mousepad. The mouse holder is just from the box it came in.
The challenge was the lack of wireless for the single-handed hardware keyboard at the time, so a USB2BT module was needed, and those knobs I added at the top were for wrapping a wire from a tiny USB2.0 Hub for if I wanted to be wired.
Doing it again it would be 100% wireless with magnetic quick charge connectors on all the elements. (I got a million of them of different angles off Aliexpress and have them on all my travel items). 3 months ago
I like this. It fits a lot of the solutions I create around the Steam deck. Thanks for sharing! 3 months ago
Admittedly I did this years ago, and had to use USB to BT adapters which was janky. Wireless keyboards are much better now 😉 3 months ago
Looks very neat! Not sure I could fit it in my backpack though 🤔 3 months ago
Ahhh yea. If I were to do this with a backpack I’d probably make something folding. Having the tray is super nice for couch visits.