Comment on What are your favorite accessories for the steam deck? 2 months ago
Before mine started to have problems and I had to send it in for repairs, I would definitely have to say either my dock or 3rd party switch controller, if that counts.
With the dock, official, I knew I had something I could use to just plug into a TV and call it good. Allowed me to go through Dead Money in New Vegas on the TV in my room, so I could have a better view of what was going on compared to the tiny screen.
And if the controller counts, I absolutely love using it in general even if I’m not playing games because of the headphone jack at the bottom that allowed me to be up in the middle of the night, listening to music (either in game or on desktop mode) without having to worry about the apartment above or my family hearing what I’m listening to. It’s USB too, so no battery to worry about when I had my deck docked, especially since I’m not a big bluetooth fan and only use it pretty much when absolutely necessary.