I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!
- Comment on What are some light-hearted, feel-good, comforting games to play on the deck? 1 day ago:
Can absolutely vouch for Chuzzke Deluxe. Only problem I have with it now is that last I checked, some of the settings don’t work if you are on Linux and using proton. Mainly just the setting for windowed mode, if I remember correctly. But that’s a minor thing considering how cheap the game is on Steam.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - March 2025 6 days ago:
Pretty sure the last thing I played on it, when I had the time and drive during the week, was Sonic Mania. Absolutely love that game.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 1 week ago:
Would the feature in that horror game Zort where you sometimes use the player respon item and it respons an NPC that will use clips of what a specific dead player has said while playing count as AI use? If so, that’s a pretty good use of AI in horror games in my opinion.
- Comment on [Discussion] What accessories do you use with your steam deck? 1 week ago:
Only things I use are, if docked, are a 3rd party switch “pro” controller (both because of the controller itself and because of the headphone jack on it), and an as needed my Bluetooth trackball mouse and the wired keyboard I use for my desktop.
The only other things I really have for it for accessories would be the case it came with (if you count that) and a USB C to USB male connector I got before I had a dock (for plugging in a thumb drive when undocked to more discretely move downloaded files or don’t have internet access because I’m in a vehicle (mobile hotspot absolutely sucks)).
- Comment on Amazon's previous VP of Prime Gaming said they "tried everything" to disrupt Steam 2 weeks ago:
Fighting Steam as it stands now is like trying to fight an uphill battle on an 80° incline with ice covering the whole hill. It’s possible, but I doubt we’ll see anyone able to dethrone Steam so long as Valve keeps their principles and morals about not absolutely enshittifying everything to death on their end.
- Comment on Amazon's previous VP of Prime Gaming said they "tried everything" to disrupt Steam 2 weeks ago:
One of the only acception I have to the rule of multiple game managers is with emulation. For some reason I cannot stand having something like Emulation Station or anything else but for buying games, Steam is the absolute king with their platform.
- Comment on [Discussion] How is your Steam Deck's battery holding up? 5 weeks ago:
Considering I got mine fixed less than a month ago and haven’t been using it at much, I’d hope the battery would be at 100% health. Not 100% sure since I haven’t been on desktop mode since getting it back, though.
- Comment on What are your favorite accessories for the steam deck? 1 month ago:
Before mine started to have problems and I had to send it in for repairs, I would definitely have to say either my dock or 3rd party switch controller, if that counts.
With the dock, official, I knew I had something I could use to just plug into a TV and call it good. Allowed me to go through Dead Money in New Vegas on the TV in my room, so I could have a better view of what was going on compared to the tiny screen.
And if the controller counts, I absolutely love using it in general even if I’m not playing games because of the headphone jack at the bottom that allowed me to be up in the middle of the night, listening to music (either in game or on desktop mode) without having to worry about the apartment above or my family hearing what I’m listening to. It’s USB too, so no battery to worry about when I had my deck docked, especially since I’m not a big bluetooth fan and only use it pretty much when absolutely necessary.
- Comment on [help] Black Screen of Death 2 months ago:
Definitely planned on contacting support later when I have enough time to sit down with my deck and try a few things first. And if nothing works or if warranty doesn’t cover whatever is going on, I planned on just using that specific deck as a micro desktop and wait to see if I could get a refurbished replacement as an absolute worst case scenario when financial aid for next college quarter comes in, if the price of getting it fixed isn’t cheaper.
- Comment on [help] Black Screen of Death 2 months ago:
Tried plugging it in directly to the charger that came with it for a while and still didn’t work. That was one thing I tried after looking up videos that didn’t help at all. Might try again considering I don’t know how long I left it plugged in.
- Comment on [help] Black Screen of Death 2 months ago:
Turns off immediately when unplugged and also turns on immediately on when plugged in.
On gaming mode, full. On desktop mode, 96% not charging.
100% battery health.
- Comment on [help] Black Screen of Death 2 months ago:
Totally forgot that messing with internals can invalidate warranty on most electronics. Thanks for reminding me. Definitely gonna do a reset, then, to ensure it’s not just that, before going the hardware route.
- Comment on [help] Black Screen of Death 2 months ago:
While looking up warranty info, I stumbled upon the ifixit stuff and planned on following their guide, so I’m at least good there.
- Comment on [help] Black Screen of Death 2 months ago:
I didn’t try because there were a couple ribbony clip things on top of it and I didn’t feel comfortable removing them, but I’ll try that next chance I get.
- Comment on [help] Black Screen of Death 2 months ago:
If you’re talking about battery recalibratiom, which is the first thing I found, I don’t think I can. Any post I see on it says to drain the battery as the first step, but I don’t have a clue whether it’s using any battery power while unplugged right now. So I’d have to hope the battery is draining and hope when I plug it in that it wouldn’t be saying it’s at full charge.
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 18 comments
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you use any headphones with your Steam Deck? 2 months ago:
I don’t usually play games with friends, so I just use whatever pair I currently have available. Right now it’s just a cheap enough pair of wired over the ear skull candy headphones. Don’t know how good they’d be for things like audio calls that go on for extended periods of time, but they’ve been pretty good to me so far.
- Comment on Well that was fast, refurbished OLED Decks are now available on Steam 2 months ago:
The fact that for less than $100 you could get a refurbished OLED model with the same amount of storage (512GB) is insane. If the OLED model was out and had verified refurbished models on sale back when I bought my deck, I would have absolutely done it. Not upgrading any time soon if I can help it since I love my deck, but damn it would’ve been cool to have the OLED model.
- Comment on Valve May Start Selling Refurbished Steam Deck OLEDs Soon 2 months ago:
Real good thing I decided to get a refurbished LCD than going for an OLED model because I’m part of that small percentage of audio jack users.
- Comment on China Wiretaps Americans in 'Worst Hack in Our Nation's History' 3 months ago:
And in a move not seen since Father Stone last visited Craggy Island, America said with a straight face and tone: “Okay.”
We need to get our shit together.
- Comment on Rebootless updates come to Windows 11 Enterprise and 365 for security updates — Microsoft releases hotpatching for Windows 11 Enterprise 24H2 and Windows 365 Preview Editions 3 months ago:
Rebootless updates coming to windows? They’re already decades behind Linux, so good for them, I guess, for implementing something solved a long time ago by a competitor far, far away.
Doesn’t effect me since I wouldn’t dream of using their win11 spyware OS for longer than absolutely necessary, but for those using Enterprise because your work absolutely hates everything, good for them.
- Comment on Do you use your Deck for non-gaming purposes? If so, what do you use it for? 3 months ago:
Closest I’ve come is accessing the browser on desktop mode to transfer files (pretty much just games or files for games) and soon I hope to add custom boot videos. Otherwise, it’s just a game player/emulator player for me.
Random question, but does anyone know a way to make it so only custom boot videos play when you select random or have we not gotten that far yet?
- Comment on Netflix used to not have ads, now it’s ‘celebrating’ two years with them 3 months ago:
I currently don’t have a spare device or whatever is needed to set up a server, but definitely agree with your point. Best I can do right now is having my shows/movies stored on a 1TB drive that’s almost full and a 2TB drive I have yet to touch, which just works for me.
- Comment on Netflix used to not have ads, now it’s ‘celebrating’ two years with them 3 months ago:
I feel old for remembering a time when they advertised their service on wii some time after they stopped doing trade in DVDs, which my family was a part of. Back when I’d have the wii set up in my bedroom just to watch my favorite cartoons or the (to me) once new and mysterious Doctor Who (before eventually dropping due to lack of interest). Back when they were pretty much the only streaming service and had just about everything. Back before everything became siloed away into 500 different services that all add up to the price of healthy organs on the black market.
Now you’d be lucky to see me on their platform regardless of whether or not my family has the ad free plan or not (no idea if we do, nor do I care). Let alone any of the other services.
- Comment on Luanti (formerly Minetest) v5.10.0 out now bringing UI updates, fancier shaders, renaming work 3 months ago:
I also tried at one point, but gave up because I couldn’t get the set up I had made for it to work. This was maybe less than a month ago. I hope for gamepad support in the future so that I can finally have voxelibre (formerly mineclone2) on deck without fiddling with the controller settings at all.
- Comment on Microsoft stealthily installs Windows 10 update to nag you to upgrade to Windows 11 – and not for the first time 3 months ago:
That, or if you’re like me, I’m just gonna keep my desktop running win10 and just never let it connect to the Internet by disabling or removing the wifi card so it can’t auto install 11. Gonna probably be upgrading soon anyways, so no need to worry.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - November 2024 3 months ago:
Haven’t been playing much on it since I haven’t felt like playing because college, but the last few times I have, I was busy dragging myself to play Fallout New Vegas to some day finally complete a run for the first time in any fallout game. Otherwise, I don’t think I’ve played any other games.
- Comment on 'It even breaks my heart a bit': Denuvo pushes back on its haters, says Steam forums are a 'very toxic, very hostile environment' 4 months ago:
Unrelated, but I just figured out what FTFY means thanks to your comment.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - October 2024 5 months ago:
Shotgun King is definitely a fun game. The worst part about it is how I’ve played enough to where I’m stuck on one of the higher difficulties and and bored of it.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - October 2024 5 months ago:
Haven’t been playing it much recently, but I’ve gotten to a point in Pokemon Unbreakable Ties where I’m stubbornly bashing my head against a wall to win a battle, so that’s off the table for a while.
And the only other games I’ve actually played recently are Yooka-Laylee (only 2 levels in due to exploration and a lot of goofing around), Baba Is You, and Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers. But I’ve only been playing a little bit since I’ve been busy enough.