Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks agoThat and I’m just generally against the government telling me what I have to do. I will wear a seatbelt because it is an obvious safety benefit but I don’t think it should be mandatory. If someone wants to skip wearing a safety device then that should be their choice. Plus we need to thin the herd a bit. I say let the idiots who won’t wear helmets on bikes die off. 5 weeks ago
I think it should absolutely be mandatory since it saves so many lives.
People fail to measure risks effectively. Everyone is scared of sharks and clowns but they are fine driving. 5 weeks ago
People really do fail to measure risks effectively. But if people aren’t going to think critically and use safety measures that are around do we really need them in our society? We have been protecting way too many idiots from glorious Darwin awards.
The types of people who don’t wear helmets or seatbelts probably shouldn’t be reproducing so if we let them do what they want and they die that removes the stupid genes from the pool. I see nothing but benefits. 5 weeks ago
That way of thinking is called Eugenics dates back a long ways. It was very popular with certain government in the 30’s and early 40’s.
There is no scientific evidence to support it though. People are on average getting smarter and murdering part of the population via birth control or other means does not have an impact. In fact, it hurts diversity which harms society in the long term. Don’t fall for the easy trains of thought that create Nazis. 5 weeks ago
I wasnt actually calling for eugenics to be clear. I just don’t really care to go out of my way to protect stupid people from themselves. I’m all for warning them and telling them what they are doing is stupid but if they insist on it I’m not gonna stop em.
Like the guys that ride motorcycles without helmets in the states that still allow it. It is obviously an incredibly stupid idea but I say let em.