- Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks ago:
You might like a motorcycle. Those require 110% focus on the act of riding. It really helped with my inability to focus on one thing at a time.
Now obviously super dangerous and no matter how careful you are you can still die from someone else not paying attention but I do really enjoy motorcycles. I just don’t trust other drivers. So I stick to the occasional dirt biking now.
- Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks ago:
I wasnt actually calling for eugenics to be clear. I just don’t really care to go out of my way to protect stupid people from themselves. I’m all for warning them and telling them what they are doing is stupid but if they insist on it I’m not gonna stop em.
Like the guys that ride motorcycles without helmets in the states that still allow it. It is obviously an incredibly stupid idea but I say let em.
- Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks ago:
People really do fail to measure risks effectively. But if people aren’t going to think critically and use safety measures that are around do we really need them in our society? We have been protecting way too many idiots from glorious Darwin awards.
The types of people who don’t wear helmets or seatbelts probably shouldn’t be reproducing so if we let them do what they want and they die that removes the stupid genes from the pool. I see nothing but benefits.
- Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks ago:
How fascinating. I have ADHD and I find the music helps me stay awake and focused. If I’m in a silent car I just want to take a nap lol.
- Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks ago:
I don’t think it’s a massive leap in logic to claim I am a better driver than most when I haven’t hit anything and I can park between two lines correctly. Most drivers have no clue where the edges of their vehicles are and they seem to really struggle with parking correctly.
And you have really latched onto an incredibly specific example that I gave of where a car automatically braking would cause an accident where there otherwise would not be an accident. I’m sure I could have explain that rare hypothetical better in my original comment, but it was just the first example I could come up with where an automatic brake would be an issue.
It’s not something I do often just for the hell of it. It’s something that has come up on a few very rare occasions that I identified as a scenario where having the car automatically brake would be bad. You seem to think that’s a maneuver I’m pulling daily when I can assure you it is not.
- Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks ago:
Too many people are incapable of getting behind the wheel of a vehicle and committing 100% of their attention and energy into driving that vehicle.
I have my phone with maps to my destination and music playing but once I am driving I never touch the phone again. My family knows if they text me while I am driving I will never see it. They have to call me to get me to answer on my hands free if they need to get in touch with me while I am driving.
Even at stop lights I’m checking my mirrors constantly. I have avoided being rear ended twice by seeing someone coming up behind me with too much speed and then I jump outta the way into an open spot beside me.
- Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks ago:
That and I’m just generally against the government telling me what I have to do. I will wear a seatbelt because it is an obvious safety benefit but I don’t think it should be mandatory. If someone wants to skip wearing a safety device then that should be their choice. Plus we need to thin the herd a bit. I say let the idiots who won’t wear helmets on bikes die off.
- Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks ago:
Shitty driver that has no accidents. No tickets. Reduced insurance due to how safe of a driver I am. Only person in my entire extended family with absolute zero accidents or even minor fender benders.
Yup I must be a really shitty driver.
- Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks ago:
Absolutely some luck sure. I’m not nearly cocky enough to pretend that I am some magical all seeing God driver. I simply pay FAR more attention than everyone else seems to.
My father has totalled like 6 cars in his life. He’s a terrible fucking driver. Absolutely zero awareness. Never shoulder checks. I hated being driven around by him. Even at a young age I was pointing out to him that he almost hit several cars with his oblivious driving habits.
My mother is a very aggressive driver and she’s gotten in a handful of minor accidents but I don’t think she’s ever totalled anything. She’s much more observant than my father but she is also a distracted driver. Often eating, doing makeup or fuckin around with her phone for maps or music while she’s driving.
My older brother is a straight up wreckless driver. He used to drive on a suspended license or no license for a decent chunk of his life. He has gotten tickets for the most ridiculous stupid driving in the world. I honestly do not understand how he is still able to have a license these days. I am almost positive he doesn’t have insurance right now, but he also finally joined rehab for his drug usage so we are taking one victory at a time with him.
Little brother 1 has totaled 4 cars already and he’s only 23. He is an aggressive driver that lacks the observation skills to be driving the way he does. I have talked to him about it several times and my family has asked me to teach him “how to drive like me” but he has too much pride about how he drives to listen to me.
Little brother 2 (they are twins) has been in s few minor accidents. He claims he was hit on his moped once but seeing how he drives I suspect he just wasnt paying attention. The few times I’ve been unfortunate to drive with him he was driving with the passenger tires often on the line or over the line. He has absolutely no clue where the outer edges do his vehicle are. He is also stubborn and takes any advice on how to drive better as a personal attack. I told him he needs to turn his headlights on when it’s overcast or anything other than a sunny day and now he constantly makes jokes about how there is one cloud in the sky so I better turn my headlights on. He’s unbelievably stubborn and mocks anyone that even attempts to critique his horrible driving habits.
My little sister only started driving last year. She’s already curbed her wheels so bad they had to be replaced and backed into my mom’s car. I don’t know how she drives as I have not allowed her to drive me around yet, but it doesn’t sound particularly confidence inspiring.
My mother had a roommate for years who was constantly being rear ended. I think by the time she finally moved out she had been rear ended something like 16 times in her life. She was an unbelievably scared driver who was known to panic brake at the worst times. Timid drivers are far more dangerous than slightly aggressive drivers in my opinion.
I drive with what I like to call aggressive defensive driving. I am not afraid to hammer down and push the car to its limits to avoid an accident or move my car out of what I am predicting to be a harmful location, but I also drive very cautiously while giving myself space to work with should something happen. I almost always have an escape path in mind at any given moment and I tend to be driving with my foot resting on the brakes so I can stop much quicker than someone who needs to pull their foot off the accelerator and then switch to the brakes. A car traveling at 60mph moves ~40 feet in the ~500 milliseconds it takes to see something and move your foot from the gas to the brakes. By covering the brake whenever I am near other drivers I can significantly shorten my reaction time and therefore braking distance.
In my entire extended family I am the only person who has never gotten into any accidents or received a ticket. You can say that is luck and it would absolutely be true to a certain extent but I feel that also severely downplays how much work I put into driving safely and defensively at all times.
I find that the grand majority of drivers do not put almost any thought into how they drive or what they could be doing to drive more defensively and be hyper observant. They treat driving as this slog event they have to get through instead of the highly dangerous activity that it is. You’re controlling these massive chunks of metal with enormous amounts of potential energy. Too many people are too careless.
- Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks ago:
0 accidents. 0 tickets. 0 dings or scrapes of any kind. I get a decent discount on my insurance for being a safe driver. I have avoided several other accidents and given dash cam footage to the people who got into an accident in front of me. I have helped prevent several maybe accidents while being a passenger because I was far more observant than the driver and warned them that a certain car was about to pull out in front of them.
I’ve been driving for almost 20 years at this point and the only body damage any of my vehicles have ever gotten have been from my girlfriends hitting inanimate objects at low speeds or trucks kicking up rocks.
- Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks ago:
Yeah I do that in my car too lol. I’m saying in my mom’s car with its lane centering BS if you try and pull to the edge of your lane to give space for a motorcycle or whatever it’ll basically fight your input and try to put you back in the middle of the lane. It’s legitimately dangerous in my opinion.
- Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 5 weeks ago:
This reminds me a bit of the seatbelt situation from back in the day.
My only gripe with driver aids that can take over control is that for some more skilled drivers they actually do more harm then good.
I’m a can be a fairly aggressive driver when the time calls for it and I will accelerate towards a stopped car so I can dart into a gap in the lane beside. If the car were to try and intervene it would almost certainly cause an accident where there otherwise would not have been one.
My mom’s car has this lane keeping feature in her car where it tries to keep itself centered between the lines on the freeway. But I cannot stand the car pulling me into the center of the lane when I am trying to give space for say a motorcycle to pass or a truck and trailer with a particularly wide load. The car will pull itself back into the middle of the lane going against my wishes. It has almost caused her to hit bikers on more than one occasion. She asked the dealership to take it off but they said they couldn’t. It’s a built in safety feature and it cannot be disabled blah blah blah.
I think these features are definitely cool for the normal inattentive driver but for people who are hyper observant while driving and they are always doing things with purpose these systems just make a vehicle unpredictable.