So you linked a spreadsheet that shows I’m correct, and use that to claim that I changed the subject am shifting goalposts…
If both of my claims are objectively true - based on the source that YOU provided - then did I change the subject or was I just adding additional context? 5 weeks ago
You’re still thinking about this? 5 weeks ago
Who’s moving goalposts, now? 😂🤣😂🤣
It’s almost as if you realized you were wrong and decided to change the subject. Wild. 5 weeks ago
So you were stewing on it for 22 hours, huh?
We agree on the argument you shifted to - they barely delivered the game they promised on day 1. But that wasn’t what your first comment said. You said the game was starting to almost approach what they promised before launch.
For at least 5 years, the game has been a few minor features away from everything they promised…while adding a ton more they didn’t promise. Do those missing features means the game isn’t at it’s promised state? You’d be pedantic to buy it would be understandable? Do those missing features means the game isn’t 99.99% complete? You’d be a fool to. And you were a fool.
Feel free to get the last word in here. 5 weeks ago
You just can’t get the connection to me referencing “launch” in the first joke and then focusing entirely on the argument instead of a joke. Wild. You’ll do great in debate class when you’re old enough 🙄
Literally yes. You can shift the goalposts all you want, that doesn’t remove the fraud.