Comment on In the Hamas/Israel war, why does Palestine have "hostages" but Israel has "prisoners"? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I’ve seen this posted elsewhere, and while it’s a valid thing to talk about it distracts from the bigger issues

Others here have explained the difference between someone who’s taken as a prisoner (they are being held because of something they allegedly did) and someone who’s taken hostage (someone who’s held as security for some other purpose). From what I can tell, even Hamas isn’t saying the hostages are guilty of anything. It seems like those involved in the situation agree that the terminology is appropriate.

The more important discussion imo are:

There is also some more important discussion around terminology, such as one group being called “women” (implies humanity) and another “females” (more formal, scientific, and a term that’s also used for animals).
