Nice cherry picking of the densest area of detail in World vs an empty open field in Rise.
Rise looks great when you aren’t looking for ways to dunk on it.
Besides which, World was such a sluggish beast that I was running the game on minimum settings anyway just to play the damn thing. So uh, I never got to see how beautiful it looks in your photo. Sure, it’s detailed, it looks good, it also runs like shit so maybe 10% of players got to actually see that. My point here was that Rise was a very impressive gain in performance for a relatively small loss in graphical fidelity. Good job Capcom, well done. 1 week ago
Here’s a video of someone just playing rise, you can clearly see how low definition the models, map and textures are. Link to the reddit post since I can’t upload the video
And here’s another video, on youtube this time and I did take the tracking off, of a person walking through the ancient forest.
But here’s a more direct comparison between the model of rathalos on monster hunter world vs monster hunter rise (I couldn’t upload the image for some reason so here’s the link to the reddit post)