Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago
You can!
But you are by definition speaking from a position of less knowledge that the person claiming to suffer. So, you are most likely wrong.
Given that arguing like that is disrespectful and arrogant (due to talking without knowledge) in the first place, people will not hesitate to call your argument bullshit loud and clear. 1 year ago
Surely the “people” are using the same powers of observation that I am. What proves that their judgment trumps mine? 1 year ago
They can see their own hurt. You can’t. 1 year ago
“the people” here refers to it’s usage a couple replies up. “people will not hesitate to call your argument bullshit loud and clear.” Those are the people to whom I refer. 1 year ago
Yes. They have the same powers of observation as you.
They observe that you are speaking without knowledge, and you observe it as well. They, however, may better understand the significance of that observation. 1 year ago
With all due respect (read: none), if they are the one speaking about their own troubles, their judgment about their own personal situation does trump your own.
Further, human relationships being boiled down to “whose judgment trumps whose” exposes your entire argument for its purpose: which is to allow you to dominate others and tell them they are “wrong” for feeling ways. Exactly the thing you are complaining of happening to you. Conversations are not attempts to dominate one another, and your view of conversations as an argument to be “won” reveals why no one likes your company. 1 year ago
Merely asking this question incurs a judgment of zero respect. Now that’s interesting. 1 year ago
These are obvious troll questions, not thoughtful, well considered questions.
Thus no respect.