Comment on How do I make myself smarter? 1 year ago
Philosophy, read maybe plato the republic, maybe kant critique of pure reason and go from there.
Comment on How do I make myself smarter? 1 year ago
Philosophy, read maybe plato the republic, maybe kant critique of pure reason and go from there. 1 year ago
I think I addressed that. I don’t want the kind of smarter where I’m better at reasoning or have higher quality knowledge with which to reason. I want the kind of smarter where I’m better at escaping illusions. Self-made, cultural or otherwise. 1 year ago
Dude,I don’t mean to be rude, but you might legitimately need to see a therapist. This sounds worryingly like schizophrenia to me. 1 year ago
Yeah, given OP’s history on here so far, I think this is accurate 1 year ago
Thank you for your worry. Don’t worry tho, I’m pretty smart. Possibly even smarter than you. But I don’t like to assume. 1 year ago
You actually sound like someone pretty dim who enjoys thinking of themselves as a smart person.
Being “smart” is pretty meaningless, as in its so subjective that the assertion that someone is smart has no meaning.
You may as well say you enjoy sniffing your own farts. 1 year ago
Possibly. 1 year ago
In order to escape these illusions, you need to be able to think critically and reason what are facts and what are illusions. You have to be able to read about a topic and understand meanings and context, then from there you can get a deeper understanding. Knowledge isn’t just knowing facts, but understanding what makes them facts.
Referencing your words in a different comment, to find out the the world isn’t all beige, you need to go out and experience the world. Take a step back on things you think you know, and try to see them from a different perspective. Read counterpoints to your opinions and study the basis behind them. The more you branch, the more new information you will discover, which will open the door to more knowledge and can help break these illusions. 1 year ago
Critical thinking will not save you from the beige universe error 1 year ago
Critical thinking would help you not look like a fucking idiot in this thread chain, though. People are giving you answers, and you’re being a condescending cunt. Here’s an answer: read a fucking book and listen to genuine advice. Get some help. 1 year ago
Despite your claim that you aren’t interested in better reasoning - that’s absolutely one aspect of what you are after.
Don’t reject methods of reasoning as tools to escape illusions, to the extent that that is possible for any of us. 1 year ago
From my perspective that ain’t necessarily so.
And we were both born and raised in a culture that is infatuated with thinking. So when we think, “thinking is great”, we gotta wonder. 1 year ago
C’mon - you want to know about ways of avoiding illusory beliefs, but you are sceptical about the power of reason and analytical thinking?
What alternatives are you considering?