Comment on How do I make myself smarter? 1 year ago
read in general, play mental games like suduko and doing crosswords (mix up from different authors as if you do the same author every day you learn more their preferences). in your reading do some for pleasure like fiction you like but read philosophy and if you have not learned it work on elementary logic. 1 year ago
I think that mental stuff is useful but, in the big picture, just a toy. 1 year ago
yeah rereading your post I gave you the opposite of what you wanted. Your title and posting sorta contradict each other. If you just want to get spiritual I would say breathing and meditation but it won't necessarily make you smarter in the common usage of the word. 1 year ago
I know, smarter generally means better at brain stuff. Better thinking. Having a lot of good knowledge stored in your head too.
But there is infinitely more the the world than thinking. And having ideas about the world is a pretty shallow form of understanding. Ideas are like shadows.
So a better kind of smarter would give you better understanding of this larger world. That’s the kind of smarter I’m looking at. 1 year ago
Yeah I was just explaining my confusion. I think I get what your looking for and I doubt I can help you.