I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.
- Comment on Romance author gets locked out of Google Docs for “inappropriate” content 10 months ago:
thanks. as a lazy person who just wants content from the forum direct you are my savior.
- Comment on Romance author gets locked out of Google Docs for “inappropriate” content 10 months ago:
yeah that was my first thought. you would think it would just get locked into no sharing or something.
- Comment on Account compromise of “unprecedented scale” uses everyday home devices 10 months ago:
Yeah its to bad this is so easy. I know folks are going to hate this connection but income inequality drives the free economy mess along with eroding rights that makes folks desperate to use things to maximize privacy. no one would be bother with vpns and tor as much if there were not stupid things they had to work around. Not that these things are bad but its funny how prevalent they are for pretty typical joes due to people not getting a fair deal.
- Comment on [Discussion] What kind of protective and carrying cases do you use for your Deck? 11 months ago:
one of those rubberized out shells along with screen protector. can't find the case it came with for the life of me but I don't tend to take it out of the house anyway.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reiterates his tabs-versus-spaces stance with a kernel trap 11 months ago:
lol. there has never been a soda spaces that have had a cult following. tab was aweful though.
- Comment on [Discussion] New month, new games. What are you playing on you Deck? - April 2024 11 months ago:
I have had convos with someone in the past and I think im more like them. I just don't want to finish it and have it be over. That along with wanting everything before I end. For ones I like anyway. For some games I do get put off. dragons dogma2 is like that for me now. It crashes a lot which I was going to put up with but then some of the mechanics are just to much for me. If it gets more stable I may go back and try and muddle through the mechanics.
- Comment on [Discussion] New month, new games. What are you playing on you Deck? - April 2024 11 months ago:
Im one of those folks who like never finish a game. I get really far and all but finish but always hold back.
- Comment on [Discussion] New month, new games. What are you playing on you Deck? - April 2024 11 months ago:
still bouncing between elden ring and cyberpunk but started doing dd2
- Comment on Installing a standard Linux just works 11 months ago:
Its funny because I bought one and justified the cost as I was thinking of making it my new computer. I bought the largest drive but still fill it up with games and er um. yeah.
- Comment on Potential Super Cheap Charger - Ikea SJOSS 11 months ago:
not for me with allowing the parent site and the cdn
- Comment on Potential Super Cheap Charger - Ikea SJOSS 11 months ago:
Sorry. Was not suggesting you were a shill as much as that the title made me suspicious enough to check the account age and then the last part was more a gripe on consumer websites in general. You would think things trying to sell you things would want to maximize the people who could see it.
- Comment on Potential Super Cheap Charger - Ikea SJOSS 1 year ago:
Ill be honest. When I saw the link I hovered over to see how old your account was. Its a no go for me though as that site is noscript unfriendly.
- Comment on Larian Studios Won't Make Baldur's Gate 3 DLC, Expansions, or Baldur's Gate 4 1 year ago:
ooh. ooh. do pathfinder.
- Comment on If I add baking soda to lemon juice and water or use carbonated water is the carbon the same as the CO2 in the atmosphere? 1 year ago:
yeah. few folks are going to be competing with those low carbon chops.
- Comment on If I add baking soda to lemon juice and water or use carbonated water is the carbon the same as the CO2 in the atmosphere? 1 year ago:
yes but remember you breathe out co2 all the time. Making a fizzy drink is way lower than many other things you do. As one person im going back and forth on would say going vegan would massively lower the amount of co2 your responsible for putting in the atmosphere and actually just not eating beef would give you the majority of that lessening. walking/biking(even electric)/public trans instead of driving would also be huge. even if the driving was in an ev. Not using bitcoin and its ilk is big to (in absolute terms its only so big but for what it does its a massive cost in energy). The single biggest thing a person can do is not have kids although thats a big ask but the co2 of most eco friendly folks is going to still not be low enough if you have a kid and he has a kid and so on. So for example the average french person is about 5 tons of carbon a year while the average north american is 3x that. so you start adding capita and thats way more carbon. Anyway worry about the fizzy drink is sorta a penny wise pound foolish type of thing as far as global warming goes and honestly its not really causing any more of general pollution which is an issue even if we found some unlimited energy source to do sequestration.
- Comment on Doesn't each community being local to each instance split the audience? 1 year ago:
I do sometimes wonder if it would have been good if the structure was federated. So have everyone recieve a magazine/community when one is made and link to it. sorta like the old news groups but like and
- Comment on Doesn't each community being local to each instance split the audience? 1 year ago:
I do love the cross post thing. it was a great idea.
- Comment on (I wonder if he knows about lemmy)1 divided by 0 (a 3rd grade teacher and principal got it wrong), Reddit r/NoStupidQuestions [4:51 | Dec 02 2023 | bprp precalculus] 1 year ago:
I was always taught it was infinity as opposed to impossible.
- Comment on Is it disrespectful to call someone instead of answering their email? 1 year ago:
ok so I was going to say no but really the issue here is a bussiness should be consistant in communication and have a decent amount of communication options. So the person should have emailed you to schedule a time to call or give you his number to call.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
and at least before you could block urls like foxnews for link posts.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
us man. if some place will not serve you then go someplace else. personally though I want all blocking and such to be at the individual levels but maybe some options to sign up for folks or groups block lists if people find it to cumbersome to do it themselves. I like this guy so I will trust who he blocks or whatever. trustcafe seems to want to do that but honestly im not liking the system they have of ranking every user which seems more cumbersome than just blocking toxics and such.
- Comment on How do I make myself smarter? 1 year ago:
Yeah I was just explaining my confusion. I think I get what your looking for and I doubt I can help you.
- Comment on How do I make myself smarter? 1 year ago:
yeah rereading your post I gave you the opposite of what you wanted. Your title and posting sorta contradict each other. If you just want to get spiritual I would say breathing and meditation but it won't necessarily make you smarter in the common usage of the word.
- Comment on How do I make myself smarter? 1 year ago:
read in general, play mental games like suduko and doing crosswords (mix up from different authors as if you do the same author every day you learn more their preferences). in your reading do some for pleasure like fiction you like but read philosophy and if you have not learned it work on elementary logic.
- Comment on What reviews didn't say about the Steam Deck OLED 1 year ago:
thank you. I needed this. Stay strong brother.
- Comment on Can I just buy the OLED screen standalone to replace the LCD screen? 1 year ago:
I did not and had the idea of replacing it in the back of my mind so this posting helped qwash that musing anyway.
- Comment on I'm sorry little one... 1 year ago:
if they gave credit for an older one I would be way tempted.
- Comment on Everything Should Be As Easy to Upgrade As the Steam Deck - Wired 1 year ago:
yeah its still pretty much running in a kickstarter type of mode. Still you can buy the modules now which is pretty huge compared to when they started.
- Comment on Everything Should Be As Easy to Upgrade As the Steam Deck - Wired 1 year ago:
they are being bought fast enough that you can't get them without pre-order so far
- Comment on Everything Should Be As Easy to Upgrade As the Steam Deck - Wired 1 year ago:
I would like it to beasier though. I hope that one modular laptop takes off enough to become a widespread thing.