Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago
On lemmy, you dont have 1 instance with that community, if a mod or admin is not good, just swap the instance and make there a better community.
Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago
On lemmy, you dont have 1 instance with that community, if a mod or admin is not good, just swap the instance and make there a better community. 1 year ago
That is the same argument as: if you are mistreated at feddex why not join UPS. Is that really a solution when all instances are organized under the same structure? 1 year ago
Its the basic free market idea… you dont like company ( for our side “instance” ) A then why dont buy it from Company(“instance”) B?
The only difference is that you can still access posts/comments from other instances after you switched. 1 year ago
I just don’t think the choice between either censorship or isolation is a good one.
Freedom of speech should also extend to social media. Of course that does not include pedos or people screaming fire in a theatre or inciting genocide. 1 year ago
I do not understand your position given the context. What do you want? A big platform that many are supposed to see? That is also, essentially, not moderated? If so, how do you expect that not to turn into a shit echo chamber of one group? 1 year ago
and right here you prove you have no clue what this means. you're talking about social media, not the contract between the government and citizens speech.
reddit, all social media platforms have literally zero to do with 'freedom of speech' because they are not related in any capacity to the government or the governments regulation on speech.
they are private, non-government entities, which you choose to accept the policies of when you sign up.
private platform gunna private. dont like it DONT USE THE PLATFORM. go educate yourself.
if you cant find any community that would have you make one or maybe realize; you are the problem. 1 year ago
So you do draw a line somewhere. Do you not see that that is what you asked to not be done?
People make rules and agreements to shape their environment.
If you don’t like - for example - insults being removed start a parallel fediverse group with like minded people. Those who don’t want to see it won’t join, those who do will. 1 year ago
It’s not the same at all for one important reason. That’s friction to change.
There’s a lot of friction to change from one employer to another. There is practically no friction to change from one Lemmy community to another. Even if they all suck, nothing’s stopping you from making another community. If your new one is so much better, everyone will flock to it, because it’s so easy for them to do so.
It’s the same concept as the Free Market. The friction to change is why the free market frequently doesn’t work well in the physical world. But in here, where all the friction becomes practically zero, it actually can work. 1 year ago
Assuming you argue in good faith:
If switching lands you in the exact same predicament then switching is no solution. the reason why i brought up feddex and ups is because none of the problems you face at feddex will be resolved by switiching to ups. just as switching from working at burger king to working at mcdonalds wont change your position. 1 year ago
If you smell shit, check the floor. If you constantly smell shit, check your shoe.
Different instances can handle moderation in different ways. If an instance becomes problematic, it can also be quarantined from other instances. These 2 combine to both allow free speech and prevent poisoning of communities simultaneously.
There is nothing to stop you creating a moderation free community. You can even be part of a whole sub-federation of instances with that mindset. The only thing others can take from you is the ability to reach into their communities. It just turns out that most people don’t want to be involved in that sort of community. 1 year ago
It only won’t matter if the mods in the community your switching from aren’t actually bad. If it’s only you who doesn’t like them, then it’s you who’s the problem, and your leaving fixed it for that community.
But if it’s true that the mod in that community is a real problem, most of the people in that community will move with you, and the problematic mod will be left with an empty community and nothing to moderate.
In either case, that’s the system working correctly.