No? Evolution is a fact. Would I want teachers fired for saying things that are objectively not true? Or teaching opinions as facts? Yeah. More red flags in “go against common teachings,” here.
You need free speech to ensure teachers don't get fired for teaching science. I'd be care about removing that ability from other roles and people just because you disagree with the premise. 1 year ago
Are you in favor of firing teachers who day things that go against common popular teachings in an area?
Your mocking of this situation makes me feel you'd be in favor of laws that fire teachers for teaching evolution for example. 1 year ago
No? Evolution is a fact. Would I want teachers fired for saying things that are objectively not true? Or teaching opinions as facts? Yeah. More red flags in “go against common teachings,” here. 1 year ago
You need free speech to ensure teachers don't get fired for teaching science. I'd be care about removing that ability from other roles and people just because you disagree with the premise.