Comment on Why can I only do things in fake?

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

OP: I don’t like doing physical labor instead of playing a game that is designed to be addictive.

Lemmy: It’s ADHD

Why the fuck is ADHD literally everywhere for the past 6 months? Is there some kind of massive advertising campaign from ADHD medication manufacturers on every social media platforms? Jfc. There’s a million possibilities here for OP’s lack of drive and yet I KNEW before clicking on the comments that ADHD would be right at the top. Because it always is whenever someone makes a post that could be even vaguely caused by mental health. And advertisements for ADHD medications and testing are all over the internet! t’s all I see anymore! Hell, my boyfriend told me last week that he wants to get tested for ADHD and when I asked him why he said it’s because all of the new ADHD memes are super relatable. Hey guess what, THEY’RE DESIGNED TO BE RELATABLE TO EVERYONE. It’s like the telephone psychic of mental illness symptoms. Here’s a fun fact: “From 2020 to 2021, the number of stimulant prescriptions filled rose by more than 10% among females ages 15 to 44 years and males ages 25 to 44 years. Among women ages 20 to 24, there was a nearly 20% increase.”

Unless you’re a qualified medical professional, how about just suggesting that OP sees a mental healthcare specialist and leave it at that? Surely if their ADHD is so perfectly obvious, a trained professional will spot it right away.

For fuck’s sake. Armchair psychiatrists out here.
