Comment on Am I the only one pissed off at these holiday sales? (US) ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

My friend worked at Best Buy corporate some ten years ago. He got the corporate discount at stores so we went to check it out. Most of the big name stuff had almost nothing. So their margins were pretty thin there (not to say those companies couldn’t sell their products for less just that BB wasn’t getting most of your cash).

But for their in-house stuff like anything Insignia, the cost of a $20 HDMI cable went to $4. And that was a discount so BB was still making something.

I’ve started to become super jaded about discounts, especially at grocery stores because now I’m not looking at it like “wow I’m saving on eggs” but rather “so you’re probably overstocked and want me to bail you out or you’ll lose a shit on of profits if these go bad”.
