An unknown threat actor with equally unknown motives forces ISP to replace routers.
That’s concerning for… a lot of reasons.
Submitted 9 months ago by to
An unknown threat actor with equally unknown motives forces ISP to replace routers.
That’s concerning for… a lot of reasons.
Great way to sell more routers. Just sayin’
Maybe, or a bigger ISP wants to get in on that rural turf. But I was wondering what else the malware may have done before physically destroying those routers. I also kinda wonder if this might be a test run for a larger attack. And now I’m imagining what it might be like if everyone’s routers bricked in a 72 hour period. I think I’ll pick up some extra TP tomorrow.
I wonder why? Did someone just hate the ISP or was this a state actor. For all we know this could of been the trial run
600k is considered a trial run?
Compared to the population of the US that’s small. Imagine if everyones internet stopped working
Could be an extortion scheme of some kind. 9 months ago
Always make sure your tech staff are sufficiently gruntled.