Verizon initially failed to remove a flawed update file that caused two outages.
That’s comparable to about a $12.75 fine for someone with a $60k net income.
Submitted 8 months ago by to
Verizon initially failed to remove a flawed update file that caused two outages.
That’s comparable to about a $12.75 fine for someone with a $60k net income.
It was a one time event. Granted losing access to emergency services is very bad but they did come forward and admit wrong doing. If this happens a second time they can jump the fine up.
But it’s not the first time. A couple examples:…/fcc-verizon-att-mobile-carriers-91……/fcc-blasts-verizon-for-911-outa…
My highest upvoted comment on reddit was actually in a thread joking about fees to recoup the fine, suggesting they’d call it a “911 Memorial Fee”.
This sort of disclaimer needs to be beside every article concerning corporate fines. Fucking ridiculous.
Literally 10% of my verizon bill
a slap on the wrist
That’s the idea
Cost of doing business, baby 8 months ago
Oh, how nice that they agreed to the fine. Wouldn't want to punish a company without its approval.