These aaaaaaaa studios just don’t exist to me. Useless gaas garbage. Indy devs all the way because they actually care about the product.
The next Battlefield is a return to the "peak era" of Battlefields 3 and 4, with a modern setting and smaller headcounts
Submitted 6 months ago by [bot] to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
I just hope we get persistent servers back. 6 months ago
Idk, BF3 was probably the last time I seriously played it but even then I missed Bad Company 2. THAT was peak Battlefield and it only had like a dozen players in a match or something. 6 months ago
Despite a rocky launch, I ended up playing a fuckton of Battlefield 4.
And Battlefield 1, while not historically accurate in the slightest, was actually a nice breath of fresh air, and a setting that hasn’t been covered nearly as much in popular media as other 20th century wars (with possibly the exception of Korea). It’s actually one of my favorites.
Battlefield 5 just felt so… bland by comparison. They tried to change too many systems, and ended up making just a completely milquetoast game. Really disappointing for what should have been a triumphant return to the series’ roots.
Battlefield 2042 had no soul whatsoever, and some of the worst designed maps in a Battlefield game I’ve ever seen.
One of the maps that was available in the beta that I played was literally just a giant fucking field with hardly any cover and a hundred-foot wall for the enemy snipers to stand on top of and pick off attackers one by one. I really wish I could have been in the meeting room when they were workshopping that map, because I wanna know exactly what the fuck they were smoking to think that it would be any fun at all to play.
I’d honestly welcome a return to formula here if it means another game like BF4 or BF1, even if most players don’t consider that “classic” Battlefield.