- Comment on How do you, or do you vet if a software will paywall features or "enshittify"? 1 month ago:
You’re looking at paying to self-host a cloud?
I’m so confused
- Comment on Destiny 2 Has Lost Massive Amount Of Steam Players Since Last June 2 months ago:
After The Final Shape, the urge to play has just plummeted. Episodes are the same. Thing. Over. And. Over. Again. With the same old awkward exposition. The seasonal events are the same every year. And so on.
I’m playing the new dungeon with some friends and that’s it. There’s better games to play. Or rather, ones that respect your time better.
- Comment on Goat Simulator Remastered just looks like how I remember Goat Simulator looking 5 months ago:
The “jousting” at 45sec got me.
- Comment on Blizzard Co-Founder Reveals True Reason For Departure 5 months ago:
Every time I see “Bobby Kotick” I hear it in that bit from Parks and Rec where they keep repeating “Bobby Newport” more ludicrously
- Comment on The next Battlefield is a return to the "peak era" of Battlefields 3 and 4, with a modern setting and smaller headcounts 6 months ago:
Idk, BF3 was probably the last time I seriously played it but even then I missed Bad Company 2. THAT was peak Battlefield and it only had like a dozen players in a match or something.
- Comment on New Doom reveal hinted at by Zenimax trademark 10 months ago:
We’re definitely due for a new DOOM. But it’s gotta have deathmatch. Whoever made the call to ship DOOM without DM needed to be shot.
- Comment on Destiny 2's new $15 "Starter Pack" is a bunch of junk and the last thing the MMO needed right now 1 year ago:
And the new season (which is gonna last till freaking JUNE) has people running a five-year-old activity.
- Comment on Rob Reiner to Film ‘This Is Spinal Tap’ Sequel in February, Says Paul McCartney and Elton John Will Appear 1 year ago:
Yeah… how many decades-later sequels have actually been good?
The irony is, in that very article they quote Reiner saying how in comedy you want to leave the audience wanting more, and not to overstay your welcome…
Although a Spinal Tap farewell tour in their old age is a decent premise at least.