Destiny 2 isn’t officially “done,” but when you look at the players actually playing it still, it does feel that way.
Gee, I think that’s about the same time they decided that they community wanted more difficulty and made the decision to make the lowest levels of the game into bullet-sponges and to make no changes at all to the parts of the game that veteran players wanted more difficulty in.
Now it’s super grindy for veterans, and not fun for newbies. Exactly the opposite of what was wanted by all.
I am not at all surprised that people are quitting. 2 months ago
This is how all content carousals end. Maybe if they didnt sunset, reset, and destroy all the gear we spent hours grinding for we’d play. As of now it feels like I have nothing to show for the whole decade I played. 2 months ago
What kinda feels worse is that they unsunsetted things even when they were vehemently against doing that x.x 2 months ago
It shouldn’t even exist. All weapons should be able to get to max strength or whatever. Even that could be a grind. But I just dont have time to grind anymore. I’m tryna use my hour a night to have fun.