Really, because every other DA has like 300
Dragon Age: The Veilguard won't get expansions, reports say, as BioWare move to the next Mass Effect
Submitted 4 months ago by [bot] to
Comments 4 months ago 4 months ago
They did everything else right you knew they’d fuck something up 4 months ago
They did? I haven’t watched any play through a or anything because I’m playing through the first three first and I’m only half way through DA2. I tried to look up some reviews but google just got bombed with a bunch of fake ass accounts claiming it’s “woke garbage” and “DEI bullshit,” whatever the fuck that means. 4 months ago
honestly? i am 22 hours in and I only just now got all the companions. so I theorize there’s probably a fuck ton of content.
and the replayability is high considering they’re essentially doing origins again for the main characters you make now.
so no dlc doesn’t really feel like a bad thing. 4 months ago
Is it good so far? I’ve heard online that the writing is bad, but I think that’s some kind of right wing psi op. 4 months ago
Conservatives have their panties in a twist because they have the gall to have lgbtq characters, apparently forgetting that we had Krem in inquisition and that we’ve had several gay and lesbian characters already. I’m having fun personally, I will say everyone’s just a bit too cheerful for my taste, but that’s my only gripe so far 4 months ago
i have no idea what that individual was playing. its awesome. I’ve been so engrossed that I got mad when I had to take a break to do some chores around the house today. lol.
story is interesting, characters are AWESOME, combat is addictive and fun, there’s so many secrets its fun to explore around and find them all. and the rewards are good, but not as cool as the way you find them.
and the main character you make has the most personality of any of the main characters in Dragon Age thus far.
its a blast.