- Comment on PSA: Nested Desktop Mode 1 month ago:
i haven’t used desktop mode since that guide was posted in the instance this week.
love it!
- Comment on Nested Desktop: What it is, and how to set it up 1 month ago:
odd. i went and tested and apparently at ‘default’ it does the cursor weirdness, but ‘native’ seems to have completely fixed it.
as for the script, I followed the instructions to the letter, and input my screen’s resolution properly but it just sort of flashed for a moment and never started.
i tried for quite a while to get it working. different settings, even tried different resolutions to see if it just didn’t like my display, but nope. no dice for me =(
but after doing some ddg searching, many people have had the resolution issue with nested. so I can see why you had so many difficulties in finding a solution 😭.
i will work on it a bit more tomorrow and see if I can’t get the script working.
thank you for making the guide! i didn’t know this was possible until today and its been nice to not worry about swapping to desktop. <3
- Comment on Nested Desktop: What it is, and how to set it up 1 month ago:
this is absolutely wonderful but I seem to have issues with the mouse cursor not seeing the entire bottom of the desktop bar. so I’m unable to open apps.
but I wonder if thats a resolution issue.
- Comment on Minecraft gets new types of cows, a firefly bush and more ambient sounds 1 month ago:
- Comment on A Plugin To Install The FSR 3 Frame Gen Mod on Steam Deck Is Coming - Steam Deck HQ 1 month ago:
ooooh how very exciting! will keep an eye on this. i run DLSS on basically everything. wonder what will be better.
- Comment on An idiots guide to setting up Minecraft on Steam Deck / SteamOS with controller support 2 months ago:
while controlify is great to start with, I’ve found that making my own setup in Steam Input to be a much more reliable experience.
it’s also a bit easier to do your own keybinds if you’re playing heavily modded packs with 400+ mods and whatnot. as controlify (and other controller support mods) may clash with mouse tweak mods or movement mods.
Steam Input is amazing software. Use it!
- Comment on Might as well get a laptop??? 2 months ago:
oh I’m good where I am with the deck. in future I’m sure it will get smaller, not bigger.
that, and competitors can’t seem to come up with a decent trackpad the way steam deck has. so competitors will need more than a higher resolution and a huge fat monitor.
just my opinion, anyway.
- Comment on Might as well get a laptop??? 2 months ago:
mazel tov. enjoy.
- Comment on Might as well get a laptop??? 2 months ago:
compared to a laptop, I would. even a small one.
- Comment on Might as well get a laptop??? 2 months ago:
i agree. the reason steam deck and other handhelds work well is because of the smaller screen/resolution.
makes it light and games run ok due to the smaller resolution. a chonker like this completely defeats the purpose of a handheld imo.
- Comment on How do you have your back buttons set up? 2 months ago:
i use mine a lot. for WoW I have them set to scroll wheel in and out, auto run and mount
for other games I tend to use them for combo button presses. or set up specific layer commands with them.
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you use any headphones with your Steam Deck? 2 months ago:
no I’m not going to do a full reset when everything works already. lol. ive been living with it and its fine.
the phone thing is neat but is a gimmick I can live without, to be honest. and looking at a reply or two, I’m not the only one who had jankyness trying it.
but thank you <3
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you use any headphones with your Steam Deck? 2 months ago:
exact same experience. it doesn’t work well, unfortunately.
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you use any headphones with your Steam Deck? 2 months ago:
i am not able to use bluetooth headphones and a bluetooth controller at the same time with the steam deck.
the sound just constantly stutters. its been that way since I got the deck. so its been years now.
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you use any headphones with your Steam Deck? 2 months ago:
ok so I just tried it. it does work but it is kinda temperamental. and doesn’t work flawlessly.
the signal keeps getting interrupted and janky as bluetooth can kinda be odd when it comes to having more than one device connected to it at one time.
especially audio. so yes it technically works, but its not going to be super usable.
- Comment on Here is a page of insults 2 months ago:
How appropriate! You fight like a cow!
- Comment on Nexus Mods new cross-platform app v0.7.1 released finally supporting upgrades - better modding for Linux / Steam Deck 3 months ago:
this is exciting but the mod manager is nowhere near usable just yet. it only supports a handful of games at the moment.
will not yet be jumping on it and replacing my MO2 just yet.
- Comment on The next Dragon Age game might be another "reinvention", say BioWare, drawing parallels with Final Fantasy 3 months ago:
thats a shame to hear. Veilguard is awesome.
- Comment on 'Stop talking s*** about us' - Half-Life 2 mod blacklists a handful of YouTubers as 'anticitizens' and blocks them from playing 3 months ago:
asking for something is completely reasonable. but behaving like you’re entitled to that and trying to divide the community seems to me to be a bit of a dick move.
mods are just that. mods. they modify the original work with their own additions. just because someone mods something, does not mean they’re in the position to behave in such a manner.
i was very put off by the wording in that open letter and I was not the only one. the community it was originally posted in also picked up on the antagonistic way it was written.
- Comment on 'Stop talking s*** about us' - Half-Life 2 mod blacklists a handful of YouTubers as 'anticitizens' and blocks them from playing 3 months ago:
improvement is one thing. acting like an entitled bunch of brats is another thing entirely.
- Comment on 'Stop talking s*** about us' - Half-Life 2 mod blacklists a handful of YouTubers as 'anticitizens' and blocks them from playing 3 months ago:
its not the request, its the entitlement that the letter displays.
they did not create this game. they are not entitled to demand and petition for such things. stuff being updated and breaking mods is annoying, but it happens.
modders do not own the game they mod for. nor are they entitled to be included in development updates just because they’re annoyed that they need to fix issues that may arise as a result of a game being patched by those who made it.
- Comment on 'Stop talking s*** about us' - Half-Life 2 mod blacklists a handful of YouTubers as 'anticitizens' and blocks them from playing 3 months ago:
i love it when modders get so up their own ass, they make themselves look moronic to everyone.
i recall the huge cringy “petition” made by BG3 modders demanding to be told what fixes would come in patches made by devs because they were “fed up” with having to fix their mods after patches would break things.
its quite funny when modders think they run the show.
- Comment on Steam Deck hits 17,000 games playable and verified 3 months ago:
oh dude nice!
…plays BG3 for the thousandth hour
- Comment on Valve Steam Deck now have a new dedicated Official Bluesky accoun 3 months ago:
followed. hell yeah.
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard's impressive tresses feature '50,000 individual strands per character for over 100 hairstyles' 4 months ago:
either way, hope you enjoy.
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard's impressive tresses feature '50,000 individual strands per character for over 100 hairstyles' 4 months ago:
if it doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, you don’t have to force yourself to play.
play what you like.
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard's impressive tresses feature '50,000 individual strands per character for over 100 hairstyles' 4 months ago:
its skill and timing based this time. dodging, jump attacks, parrying, etc. ultimates also are here.
its quite fun. companion moves are not automatic anymore and you can set certain combos to detonate. and unlike DA:I, companions can’t go down.
skill trees are awesome and I’m looking forward to trying different builds with each class.
the only downside is that enemies always target Rook. even with companions that can taunt, those taunts must be physically used by you and aren’t automatic.
it makes a mage pretty hard when starting out, but super powerful mid to late game.
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard's impressive tresses feature '50,000 individual strands per character for over 100 hairstyles' 4 months ago:
i didn’t get every single scrap of lore and all codex entries just yet, but for a first run I got all except one faction leveled to max, all companions hero status locked, all side quests done, and really good lore ending.
was about 82 hours total. but I plan on doing more complete runs in future. i was just excited to be back.
I’m a nerd and I really love Dragon Age, ok? 😅 lol
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard's impressive tresses feature '50,000 individual strands per character for over 100 hairstyles' 4 months ago:
i think it makes sense considering they have no real connection to the fade. its why they don’t use magic either.
but I did always find it curious considering the lyrium trade was highly lucrative for them. I guess its because of a lack of the connection to the fade that they can even handle raw lyrium in the first place.
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard's impressive tresses feature '50,000 individual strands per character for over 100 hairstyles' 4 months ago:
same and it was well worth the wait. its great.