Comment on Nested Desktop: What it is, and how to set it up 3 weeks ago
this is absolutely wonderful but I seem to have issues with the mouse cursor not seeing the entire bottom of the desktop bar. so I’m unable to open apps.
but I wonder if thats a resolution issue. 3 weeks ago
I’m sorry to hear that you were having issues setting up the docking script!
Without seeing what you were doing, it’s kind of tough to know where the issue was. I know I personally don’t have to change anything with the resolution properties on mine to make it work, it still is set to Default for me. It’s my correct resolution so I don’t have to scroll anywhere, everything is exactly where it is in native (in fact I’m using it right now to access Firefox and be on Lemmy 🤗 )
Were you able to change the height and width numbers in the script to match your monitor? The example I posted above is what I use for my 2560 x 1440 monitor, but you’ll get a weird result if your resolution is something different and you don’t change it. 3 weeks ago
odd. i went and tested and apparently at ‘default’ it does the cursor weirdness, but ‘native’ seems to have completely fixed it.
as for the script, I followed the instructions to the letter, and input my screen’s resolution properly but it just sort of flashed for a moment and never started.
i tried for quite a while to get it working. different settings, even tried different resolutions to see if it just didn’t like my display, but nope. no dice for me =(
but after doing some ddg searching, many people have had the resolution issue with nested. so I can see why you had so many difficulties in finding a solution 😭.
i will work on it a bit more tomorrow and see if I can’t get the script working.
thank you for making the guide! i didn’t know this was possible until today and its been nice to not worry about swapping to desktop. <3 3 weeks ago
You’re welcome! Though I’m genuinely bummed that it’s not 100% fully working for you.
One of the great things about the Deck is that we have essentially and functionally the same hardware and OS for our systems, so I was hoping that things like this just work the same for everyone… we don’t have the challenges of the rest of the PC community, where every single person is running a different configuration of parts. 🙂