Users will no longer be able to opt out of political content from people they do not follow.
Hey kids! Fascism sure is cool! Look at my awesome luxury sweatshop!
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Users will no longer be able to opt out of political content from people they do not follow.
Hey kids! Fascism sure is cool! Look at my awesome luxury sweatshop!
Jesus Zuck, what are you doing? Playing all the hits lately. Misogyny, Transphobia…just roll out the Nazi flag already, we all know you got one.
Seems like Cheetolini’s presidency encouraged him to pull all the levers he was sitting on for years.
I thought FB gave up on using rage bait to juice engagement numbers?
Sounds like they’re choosing to repeat their mistakes for short term revenue goals.
Full on propaganda machine, and as usual they blame ‘most users’ for what they force on all the users. 2 months ago