Rockstar has revealed the GTA 6 trailer earlier than expected, probably because it was leaked on Twitter. I think it looks amazing
I think it’s a good trailer too, gets me excited
Submitted 1 year ago by to
Rockstar has revealed the GTA 6 trailer earlier than expected, probably because it was leaked on Twitter. I think it looks amazing
I think it’s a good trailer too, gets me excited 1 year ago
I’m sure there’s going to be a big circle-jerk of hate because of GTA online, but I’m excited about a new GTA, finally. Despite being told by everyone that Starfield was a steaming pile of dog shit, I enjoyed that.
Rockstar can eat a dick for how they handle the mudding community and they are definitely greedy bastards. But that’s not going to stop me from enjoying GTA Florida insanity. Must become Florida Man… 1 year ago
Right? That Thrillbilly Mud Cup thing looked pretty insane from the short clip on the trailer.