Most likely reason they (and many others, including banks) still use it: Security. There are probably billions of vulnerabilities for everything and billions of people able to hack to some degree. I wonder if there even is some as400 hacker 😁 Also you can’t just decide to become one now, because you can’t simply download a compiler and emulator. You need access. And even if you managed that, those things are never online, so you’d need to be physically near. Name a more secure thing.
Besides that shit just works. The more complex you make it, the more errors could occur. Really critical operations can’t have that. 1 week ago
Simply re-write a modern relational database and then over a weekend, migrate decades worth of data all while being shortchanged every year by congressional budget cuts with programmers that wish to toil in obscurity while being paid bottom dollar. Where do I sign up to lead this shit-show?