GTA 5's free Enhanced PC update spoiled by missing in-game text chat, but it may only be temporary
Submitted 3 weeks ago by [bot] to
Submitted 3 weeks ago by [bot] to 3 weeks ago
I booted up single player last night and the graphics updates are seriously impressive. It looks like every “Visuals Enhanced” mod merged into the correct result. None of the overblown “realism” tone mapping all the Reshade developers seem to go for. 3 weeks ago
IT does look great but It’s very subtle, from what I can tell. The performance hit isn’t so bad and I can run at 4K DLAA with all the RT settings at Very High and maintain 60fps. Same performance with RT at ultra and quality DLSS.
Anticipating the Digital Foundry video on it. They always catch things that I didn’t originally notice. 3 weeks ago
I can’t get over the car reflections and headlights. Those two are just never accurate in almost any game and they look stunning here. I even saw an accurate reflection of the street in an NPC’s sunglasses!