For my first playthrough, I got Valmiro as my beloved and thought that was just a scripted part of the game.
Dragon's Dogma 2 expands the original game's absolutely daft NPC affinity system
Submitted 9 months ago by [bot] to
Comments 9 months ago 9 months ago
Does that imply that death doesn’t just make you restart? If they want a meaningful fear of death then something has to happen when you die, yeah? That’s deeply interesting. Really interested in how the world and npcs interact, since it sounds like that is going to be a big thing now.
And the direction of it being a simulator just reassures all of my hopes for the game. 9 months ago
Personally, I loved the random NPC affinity results in the first game. Then again, I always wind up with the Queen as my beloved and not like… a child, or the blacksmith. 9 months ago
After all… They’re masterworks all, you can’t go wrong!