Anonymous review site Glassdoor now consults public sources to identify users.
Well, this company is as good as dead now
Submitted 11 months ago by to
Anonymous review site Glassdoor now consults public sources to identify users.
Well, this company is as good as dead now
One can hope.
I mean, they were a data gathering company from day 1. This is just the nail in the coffin on them unable to sustain a business model that was basically “let companies pay to write reviews to counteract actual reviews”
It seems as though nobody in this thread actually read the article. They are not revealing user names on the site. The objection here is having the real name as part of your private profile data, in case of a future data breach. It’s a real concern, but orders of magnitude less serious than what everybody is assuming.
Thank you for that.
If this is the same one I read yesterday, wasn’t it also attaching false information in some cases and changing information (to false information) without letting the users know? That’s fucked up.
Not to mention attaching real names to profiles that were created with the assurance of anonymity.
They can go fuck right off then. Just deleted mine.
Act fast: For a limited time, only $99/year to keep yourself anonymous and out of the crosshairs of disgruntled ex-employers. Then prices shoot up to whatever the fuck we want, because we know you’ll pay!
I’m kind of OOTL. What’s wrong with GlassDoor?
The purpose of the site is for employees to rate their employers anonymously, to alert fellow workers to poor conditions. For the site to reveal names means employers can now use glassdoor to know which employees say bad things about them, and can retaliate. It’s a major dick move.
Oh, that’s what they meant by “identifying users”!
Sorry about that. My brain knew all that, but just didn’t connect the data points together. Lol. xD
Did you read the article? That isn’t what’s happening.
They added real names without consent. No further action required. Opens people to litigation from petty former companies with too much money (generally the ones that need those reviews).
The whole point of it was that it was anonymous, without that, why would anyone ever post anything to it?
It’s literally all in the article…
They’re de-anonymizing all accounts so I hope you’re okay with your reviews having your real name. Whether you have Glassdoor your name or not - Fishbowl using data lists to fill your data regardless of your consent.
Seems like you didn’t read the article either. That isn’t what’s happening. I can understand your confusion because of the provocative and misleading article title, but they’re adding names to your private profile.
I was five minutes away from clocking out for the day, so I couldn’t be arsed to read the article before getting up. Lol. Serves me right for being lazy. :)
Anonymous review site Glassdoor now consults public sources to identify users.
It’s in the title. They’re identifying users by real name.
The title is misleading and it seems as though nobody actually read the article. Your name is not being posted with your reviews.
Just deleted my account.
laughs in upcoming gdpr lawsuit
I’m a permanent EU resident who was not at the time I left a glass door review. Anyone know if the GDPR would apply?
Is there a generic login for this site? I’d love to look at stuff, but never wanted to give them my shit 11 months ago
Unsatisfied with merely shooting themselves in the foot, glassdoor has had the foot surgically removed