It will let you share both photos and text.
Fuck Tik Tok, fuck Instagram.
Submitted 8 months ago by to
It will let you share both photos and text.
Fuck Tik Tok, fuck Instagram.
So the obvious question here: is there a defederated toktok and instagram out there?
Pixelfed for insta, same dude is making Loops for Tiktok. There are others being worked on as well. Follow @dansup on Mastodon for more info.
I thought you could already “share” texts in tiktok? You can DM and comment on videos. Besides, tiktok and instagram are already each other’s rivals, vying to keep people trapped there with infinite short videos.
Honestly we need more diversity in the social media space 8 months ago
Who cares. 8 months ago
I think your mom does. 8 months ago
Nah, she’s on Tumblr.