- Comment on Morrowind game engine OpenMW gearing up for a huge new 0.49 release 4 weeks ago:
Alright, I just looked it up, so I don’t talk nonsense and apparently, what I assume to be most mods, will work directly with OpenMW. Mods that require MWSE, MGE or MCP won’t, though: openmw.org/faq/#mods
Here’s also a guide for modding OpenMW: modding-openmw.com
- Comment on Morrowind game engine OpenMW gearing up for a huge new 0.49 release 4 weeks ago:
For experiencing Morrowind in its original form, I would definitely say OpenMW is the best way to do that. It works well on modern operating systems, allows playing in higher resolutions and has some quality of life improvements, like greater rendering distance and practically no loading times.
Some folks prefer to mod it, and I’m not really up-to-date on that, but I assume there’s still more mods out there, which target the original engine…
- Comment on Most customizable desktop environment? 5 weeks ago:
You very likely want KDE. It’s got the most features out of the box, each of which is something you can customize (whether you want it enabled and with what behaviour).
There’s arguments to be made that more minimal desktops, like Xfce, or even a DIY setup using a window manager, are simpler to customize, because they have fewer features.
For example, the panel theme in KDE involves various colors and icons and whatnot, so you need a full-fledged theme package to customize it, even if you ‘just’ want to change the panel color. In Xfce, the panel color is a simple hex value that you can just set.GNOME is a weird one. It also has relatively many features, so it does still have relatively many options. Some configurations are relegated behind extensions or a separate settings program (GNOME Tweak Tool). And yes, you can technically apply CSS. But then for some relatively basic things, you need to dip into CSS or other workarounds.
I don’t know, if it’s still the case, but a few years ago, I just wanted my windows to not have a titlebar, which took me three days to figure out how to do, eventually solving it with CSS.
A few months later, I switched to KDE and there it can be done with a GUI setting, which took me less than ten minutes to figure out. - Comment on Fallout creator asks why triple-A RPGs focus on violence, doesn't provide very hopeful answer 2 months ago:
Yeah, I tried to create a non-violent game for a while in a genre that’s typically violent (roguelike) and so often, I’d play some existing roguelike and then have an idea, like for example, I could make the ice spell cover an area in the shape of a snowflake. Yeah, alright brain, what exactly is that ice spell for? Cooling the snacks?
And if you decide – fuck it, we’ll cool some snacks – a food-themed roguelike sounds nice and non-violent, then that leaves you with a ton of new questions. If the ice spell targets snacks, does that mean you’re defending against them? Why are you defending against snacks? Do they just make you fat? How do you reflect that in the gameplay?
And then you spend two days coming up with all kinds of ideas for making this work, until you realize it sounds like a fever dream and you have no idea, if it’d be any fun. - Comment on Minecraft-like free and open source game VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2) hits over 500K downloads 4 months ago:
I mean, the bulk of the work on this happens for the fun of it. The underlying game engine, Luanti, has a really lovely community. Some folks love creating mods/content, others love playing that content.
If you really want a hard reason, it’s that Microsoft bought Minecraft and has forced changes, such as a Microsoft account being a requirement now.
Microsoft has a long history of being extremely hostile to the open-source / libre software community, so after the news broke the community definitely bundled together even moreso to create our own Minecraft, withblackjack and hookersscrewdrivers and mese. - Comment on Luanti (formerly Minetest) v5.10.0 out now bringing UI updates, fancier shaders, renaming work 4 months ago:
Hmm, did you try this? blog.rubenwardy.com/2022/…/minetest-steam-deck/#c…
- Comment on Minetest breaks the chains of being a Minecraft clone with a new name — Luanti 5 months ago:
It does have a decently-sized modding scene, though? Like, it cannot compete with the popularity of Minecraft and therefore doesn’t have as many modders.
But it has a modding API, which makes it a lot easier to mod and means that the mods don’t break with every new version, so the effective output of those modders is actually pretty good.Or well, just look at it: content.minetest.net
- Comment on Minecraft's multiplayer Realms servers have been down since its last patch over three days ago 7 months ago:
Huh, are they also doing Patch Tuesday on Minecraft now or is this a coincidence?
- Comment on GTA 6 may "disappoint" players hoping for a technological "jump", says former Rockstar North tech director 7 months ago:
I mean, I feel like even the jump between 4 and 5 wasn’t that massive. San Andreas to 4 went from chunky polygons to rather realistic graphics. GTA 5 feels almost like a HD remaster in comparison.
But of course, there may be a difference in expectation, since there were five years between 4 and 5, and currently scheduled to be twelve years between 5 and 6.
- Comment on Softbank plans to cancel out angry customer voices using AI 9 months ago:
Based on the title, I thought it would just bleep out the customer voice. That would certainly not make the customer less angry. 🙃
- Comment on The First Microtransaction in Gaming 9 months ago:
What really bothers me about it, is that the horse armor looks ridiculous and is practically worthless in terms of gameplay. Like, it could have gotten to the current point by the content gradually getting worse and more expensive, but no, they fast-tracked right to complete garbage.
- Comment on Slack users horrified to discover messages used for AI training 10 months ago:
I’ve had customers send passwords to me, plain-text, over chat. Frankly, that end-to-end-encryption is not considered basic security for chat applications, that’s just beyond me.
- Comment on Adobe comes after indie game emulator Delta for copying its logo 10 months ago:
Honestly never saw that shape in Adobe’s logo. It always just looked bad to me. But I could see someone thinking that former Delta logo is an improved Adobe logo, so I’ll allow it.
- Comment on Looks like Valve’s next game is Deadlock, a multiplayer shooter-MOBA mix of Overwatch, Dota and Team Fortress 10 months ago:
Ah, aiming to be the most annoying videogame for software developers, right after “Rust”.
- Comment on Microsoft ties executive pay to security following multiple failures and breaches 10 months ago:
As part of these changes, Microsoft will also make its Senior Leadership Team’s pay partially dependent on whether the company is “meeting our security plans and milestones,”
Isn’t that the default? That the Senior Leadership Team gets bonuses or not, depending on whether they met company plans and milestones? Did they have security explicitly excluded from this?
- Comment on Mozilla finds that most dating apps are not great guardians of user data 11 months ago:
Great timing, with Grindr being sued for sharing HIV data…
- Comment on GTA 6 publishers Take-Two cancel games and lay off hundreds to "rationalize their pipeline" 11 months ago:
“Rationalizing your pipeline” sounds like a rude thing…
- Comment on MineClone2, inspired by Minecraft, gets renamed to VoxeLibre 11 months ago:
Well, it’s a community project. Tons of community members want Minecraft without the Microsoft, so those community members built that. It’s not that someone consciously decided to create a really blatant copy.
Besides, the name change was specifically motivated by players expecting an exact copy and complaining or filing bug reports when the devs took some liberties in their design.
- Comment on Users shocked to find Instagram limits political content by default 11 months ago:
- Comment on Mozilla Axes its Privacy-Friendly Location Service - OMG! Ubuntu 1 year ago:
They had no method of getting new data for two years already, because Google disallowed location collection like that on Android. It was just a matter of time before the service would be turned off.
- Comment on Minecraft expands its subscription drive with the Marketplace Pass 1 year ago:
I wanted to know just how icky it is (beyond selling community-made content), in particular, if you could stop paying and not lose all those items you got. And fuck me, they did choose the non-icky option for my question, but the sentence where I found the answer is kind of even worse:
And remember, once redeemed, these limited-edition pieces will stay in your wardrobe, so get them while you can!
So, they’ve solved the technical hurdle to keep the content around forever, but then decided to arbitrarily limit availability to exploit people’s fear of missing out.
- Comment on Xbox Turns To Sports Titles To Combat Dwindling Game Pass Subscriber Sign Ups 1 year ago:
Hmm, interesting. I feel like many people who play these sports games play them, because they’re familiar with the real sport. To them, it’s an easier entry into the video game medium, as they just need to learn the controls, not also the rules.
But as a result, they tend to only play one specific sport game (for their favorite sport) and not that many other games. Keeping Game Pass for the whole year for one game, is definitely not worth it. For 2+ games, I guess, technically, but it certainly doesn’t have the same bang-for-your-buck.
So, yeah, I hope they know better what they’re doing than my armchair expertise, but I certainly find it surprising that they didn’t diversify elsewhere…
- Comment on PSA - MineTest on SteamDeck 1 year ago:
Minetest is a game engine & launcher for Minecraft-like games. It and its various games are developed by a lovely open-source community.