- Comment on Elon Musk email to X staff: ‘we’re barely breaking even’ 1 month ago:
Considering how much he paid for Twitter I question his understanding of money and therefore his claim of “breaking even”.
- Comment on on youtube how do I downvote an ad? or how do i tell youtube that "hey this ad is not something I want to see?" I know ad blockers don't work on youtube anymore but how do I tweek what ads i do see? 1 year ago:
There is also the app FreeTube for desktops as well.
And Newpipe + Sponsor Block for phones. Downside is there are no playlists. Upside no ads or sponsor nonsense and you can download.
- Comment on Why Your Office Holiday Party Is A Secret Evaluation — And Possible Job Interview 1 year ago:
I don’t attend the ones during work hours. Socializing with mainly people I don’t know is more work than work.
- Comment on Local pop radio station is using its metadata to spread anti Biden propaganda 1 year ago:
Everyone knows it was all bullshit but try to remember nearly every day of all four years of Trump’s presidency, and months prior campaigning, were filled to the brim with bullshit. Many people, myself included, just gave up on politics for a while after he lost to Biden just to try and stay mildly sane.
- Comment on What did UAW members at the "Big 3" gain with their strike? 1 year ago:
How much they match contributions to 401k’s I think. So it looks like they match up to 10% now.
- Comment on My whole night is booked now 1 year ago:
He hadn’t posted because of how much work he and his team were putting into the EVE Online video. They wanted to do justice to the topic and I think they succeeded.
During that time he was still streaming on Twitch regularly so he didn’t just drop off the planet.
- Comment on My whole night is booked now 1 year ago:
I’m a long form content junkie.
- Comment on My whole night is booked now 1 year ago:
Do I care about EVE Online? No, not at all. Did I watch a 5hr+ video about the history of EVE Online? Oh boy did I!