- Comment on Enlisted from Gaijin and Darkflow returns to Steam and now free to play 8 months ago:
Cool, I’ve wanted to try it for a bit now.
- Comment on Deepfakes of your dead loved ones are a booming Chinese business 10 months ago:
“Yeah, they kill a lot of people and stiffle any dissent or free speech, but at least the children in the factories make my stuff cheap and made the algorithm currently consuming my life.”
- Comment on ‘Blade Runner’ Star Rutger Hauer Took Exception to His Character Roy Batty Being Labeled a Villain 1 year ago:
No one is really the villain. On one side we have a man trying to make it in the world and do his duty and job, while the other is a rogue ai trying to survive in a world that wants him gone.
- Comment on Mia Goth, A24 Sued By Background Extra Who Claims He Was Kicked In The Head During A Scene In ‘MaXXXine’ 1 year ago:
There has to be better news from the entertainment industry.
- Comment on Mia Goth, A24 Sued By Background Extra Who Claims He Was Kicked In The Head During A Scene In ‘MaXXXine’ 1 year ago:
Oh boy another he said she said. Why even report when there’s zero other evidence besides one guy’s testimony. Must be a slow news day.
- Comment on This is a real sign. 1 year ago:
If you know where you are in relation to florida you know where you are in relation to the rest of the US. Kind of like a compass.