- Comment on Epic knows its game store social features ‘suck,’ but it wants to fix that 5 months ago:
Software and stores aside, one of the things I appreciate about Valve is you never see them talking about what they want to do, they just do it. They may not always do what I want as a game developer, but as a game platform they seem to be pretty dialed in on what users want. I have yet to see any hint of that from Epic.
- Comment on U.S. House of Representatives aims to streamline fab projects after passing bill to ease federal environmental permits 5 months ago:
Or Criminal Racket 201: Buy some shortsighted politicians and have them do away with very necessary environmental regulations so you can “maximize shareholder value” and executive pay and somehow not be considered a criminal
- Comment on You can turn on Scottish slang in the subtitles, reminds Still Wakes The Deep developer 9 months ago:
Scots is a completely separate but related language, not a dialect
- Comment on Fallout 4 'Next Gen' update out now and Steam Deck Verified 11 months ago:
That was my thought too. I think I’ve got about 850 hrs over various playthroughs, and definitely will need my regular mods to be available.