- Comment on Factorio: Space Age sold over 400,000 copies and sets a new player count record 4 months ago:
I didn’t play space exploration. Buddy of mine was playing it and I was doing K2 with the idea being we would later do a combined run. Got to hear plenty about it, was a pretty cool run
- Comment on Factorio: Space Age sold over 400,000 copies and sets a new player count record 4 months ago:
Nice choice! I just researched volcanus and have been drooling over the foundry since the teaser for it. I’ll report back once I make it there
- Comment on Factorio: Space Age sold over 400,000 copies and sets a new player count record 4 months ago:
Nice! Which one Did you end up landing on?
I just made my first space platform so stoked to see it building. It’s really cool watching the platform grow
- Comment on Ubisoft Director Claims "Non-Decent Humans" Are Wishing For Company's Demise 5 months ago:
That’s the wrong, I want to play what they are offering, I don’t want their bullshit baked in.
Make Uno that doesn’t suck donkey dick and I’d be down.
- Comment on The terrible tragedy of a stolen Steam Deck 7 months ago:
Not sure which country you live in, but renter’s insurance covered a stolen item for me when I was renting. Worth a check if you have a similar thing.
- Comment on Zoom adds post-quantum end-to-end encryption to video meetings 10 months ago:
Out of all of the ways you could have responded, instead of fostering conversation and helping to educate someone, this is what you choose.
Oh well, makes me grateful for the other commentor since I can have a really good and enjoyable conversation with them. Bye Felicia.
- Comment on Zoom adds post-quantum end-to-end encryption to video meetings 10 months ago:
Appreciate the info!
The big unknown is how powerful quantum computers will get. It’s going to take a lot of qubits to break public key crypto. It may be completely unfeasible to juggle that many qubits in superposition. It’s also possible it will only barely do it, in which case we can also increase the key size and call it a day. But post-quantum crypto is being worked on, just in case.
That’s absolutely the point I’m driving to. We basically have the eniacs of quantum sure we have an idea of what they can do now but 5-10 years down the road are solid mystery. In the spirit of that, to me, ‘post quantum’ is kinda of meaningless vaporware when we only just started with quantum computing. Maybe I’m being a dick about it but that’s my mindset for better or worse.
Zoom is still bullshit. Their software has had all sorts of problems that don’t need QC to exploit.
Agreed, fuck zoom.
- Comment on Zoom adds post-quantum end-to-end encryption to video meetings 10 months ago:
I’m being sarcastic. It’s marketing bs.
The actual info is that the encryption is supposed to be quantum resistant which I doubt given quantum machines aren’t widely available to public so we don’t fully know their capabilities.
- Comment on Zoom adds post-quantum end-to-end encryption to video meetings 10 months ago:
What does post quantum even meaaan
- Comment on Valves iFixit partnership is a game changer 1 year ago:
That’s a really good consideration as well! Hopefully its a quick shipping time for you
- Comment on Valves iFixit partnership is a game changer 1 year ago:
I love how repairable and modifiable the deck is as well! I swapped my sticks for hall effect sticks a while back. Was super easy to do.
If you’d like to game while waiting for your replacement part, you can link a Bluetooth controller to your deck or use the usb c port to give yourself some USB ports for a keyboard and mouse.
- Comment on How did money work on deep space 9? 1 year ago:
Plus Starfleet replicators cannot make alcohol.
I don’t think that’s accurate, we saw an episode of lower decks where the group were discussing that Starfleet replicators use a similar chemical that has much shorter lived symptoms.
The exact quotes were tense asking how they were all so drunk when x thing existed and Mariner replying she had started asking real alcohol after the 2 drink.
- Comment on Should i wait a Sale to buy the Steam Deck?? | [Discussion] 1 year ago:
It depends on the tier of deck. The lowest tier is sold at a loss, but after than steam decks generate some profit
- Comment on Steam Deck OS 3.5 Preview - Steam News 1 year ago:
I personally don’t mind it now that I have the groove for it but I can understand your side of things. What’s your usecase exactly?
- Comment on Steam Deck OS 3.5 Preview - Steam News 1 year ago:
Have you tried using the touch pads with it? I found it to be a decent enough experience. I’m not going to type a novel with it, but it’s good for some web browsing if I’m doing some adminy on desktop. Unsure of your usecase.