- Comment on Why I recommend against Brave. 4 days ago:
I mean, he created JavaScript. It’s hardly a surprise that he’s a piece of shit.
- Comment on Reddit could soon punish users for upvoting violent content. 3 weeks ago:
“Violent” needs scare quotes, because it’s obviously subjective and ripe for abuse.
- Comment on Automation in Retail Is Even Worse Than You Thought. 1 month ago:
IMO the only strategy with even a small chance of success would be direct action (e.g. organizing a mob to invade stores, rip the digital price tags of the shelves, and destroy them), but of course that would have incredibly high attrition so I doubt enough people would be willing to do it.
- Comment on A 3D printed keyboard case for Steam Deck 3 months ago:
That’s just a laptop with extra steps.
- Comment on Cybertruck's Many Recalls Make It Worse Than 91 Percent of All 2024 Vehicles 3 months ago:
Frankly, the cybertruck rust is 100% inexcusable. Elon Musk is absolutely incompetent compared to John Delorean, who managed to pick the right stainless steel alloy even while being distracted by both the Troubles and cocaine smuggling.
- Comment on New rules bring PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay under federal oversight 3 months ago:
About fucking time. It’ll be nice for the two months it lasts…
- Comment on Trump’s FCC chair is Brendan Carr, who wants to regulate everyone except ISPs 4 months ago:
They’ll pick a special occasion for it (e.g. an Enabling Act), but they’re gonna do it.
- Comment on Trump’s FCC chair is Brendan Carr, who wants to regulate everyone except ISPs 4 months ago:
can’t do shit right now with a 3-2 democrat majority, at least.
You say that as if the Republicans won’t gleefully jettison the filibuster on day 1.
- Comment on Steam drops Windows 7 and 8 support with the latest client — users told to ‘update to a more recent version of Windows’ to continue gaming 4 months ago:
Yes, we’re talking about Valve, which has a vested interest in pushing gamers towards Linux in order to protect itself from anti-competitive behavior by Microsoft.
- Comment on Steam drops Windows 7 and 8 support with the latest client — users told to ‘update to a more recent version of Windows’ to continue gaming 4 months ago:
It ought to tell them to upgrade to a more recent OS instead of being Windows-centric.
- Comment on D-Link refuses to patch a security flaw on over 60,000 NAS devices — the company instead recommends replacing legacy NAS with newer models 4 months ago:
Go read what he actually wrote, not what the character assassins pretended he meant.
- Comment on 'It even breaks my heart a bit': Denuvo pushes back on its haters, says Steam forums are a 'very toxic, very hostile environment' 5 months ago:
Glad to be of service!
- Comment on 'It even breaks my heart a bit': Denuvo pushes back on its haters, says Steam forums are a 'very toxic, very hostile environment' 5 months ago:
- Comment on 'It even breaks my heart a bit': Denuvo pushes back on its haters, says Steam forums are a 'very toxic, very hostile environment' 5 months ago:
Better yet, have they tried not fucking with gamers’ property rights by shutting down their criminal company?
- Comment on MIT develops recyclable 3D-printed glass blocks for construction 6 months ago:
Because shoving the words “3D printing” into your proposal is how you get the grant money.
Also, actually doing the work to confirm that the common-sense intuition (that 3D printing glass blocks is kinda dumb) is correct is legitimate science.
- Comment on The Plucky Squire recently came out, and used the Steam Deck to represent PC 6 months ago:
Look, if they’re gonna use a device running Linux instead of Windows to represent “PC,” I sure as Hell ain’t gonna complain about it even if it is a handheld!
- Comment on Battlefield 1 will have EA's kernel level anti cheat and game will no more be playable on Linux 6 months ago:
That’s exactly why consoles are exploitative anti-consumer trash that ought to be cracked down on by the FTC, though.
- Comment on Ikea is testing a secondhand marketplace, but only in two countries 6 months ago:
Malm has been discontinued due to tip-over hazard, so soon a secondhand marketplace will be the only place to find it.
(I know this because I was planning to buy a $280 Malm 6-drawer chest just the other day, but then came to my senses and bought a 1960s chest made out of actual wood for $60 off Craigslist instead. Don’t get me wrong: I like Ikea, but some stuff there is better than others. Stick with bent-lamination Poängs and solid-wood Hemnes and such; eschew particleboard.)
- Comment on Imperfect, Linux-powered, DIY smart TV is the embodiment of ad fatigue 8 months ago:
What you missed is how Linux is GPL v2 only, not “or any later version,” which stopped it from gaining the anti-tivoization protections from GPL v3.
- Comment on Helixx wants to bring fast-food economics and Netflix pricing to EVs 8 months ago:
Let me guess: both the business model and this article were written by AI, too?
- Comment on Netflix is starting to phase out its cheapest ad-free plan 8 months ago:
I really need to quit being lazy and set up some *arrs.
- Comment on Surge Engine, the open source Sonic-like game engine (and game) gets upgraded 10 months ago:
Yep, that feels exactly like Sonic 2. I’m not a fan of putting a water level as the very first level in the game, though.
- Comment on There Is No Good Reason To Just Let Unsupported Video Games Die 10 months ago:
Failing to code the game in such a way that users can keep running it without publisher support is theft from the Public Domain.
- Comment on It's Time to Bring Back the Steam Machine 10 months ago:
Or better yet, Libreboot.
- Comment on Nintendo DMCA nukes 8,535 GitHub copies of Switch emulator yuzu 10 months ago:
Sony is customer-hostile shit too, though. I’ve been boycotting them for literally decades now.
- Comment on ISPs can charge extra for fast gaming under FCC’s Internet rules, critics say 11 months ago:
portion left for net neutrality
I think it’s worth pointing out that the concept you’re describing doesn’t make any sense to begin with because the act of partitioning is already a violation of net neutrality in and of itself. If any part of the spectrum is prioritized, the neutrality is gone and there’s nothing left to be whittled. There’s no such thing as “half-neutral” or “partially neutral” or “neutral with exceptions” – anything less than completely 100% neutral is simply “not neutral.”
- Comment on 5.25-inch floppy disks expected to help run San Francisco trains until 2030 11 months ago:
I like the part of the quote you omitted:
“We have to maintain programmers who are experts in the programming languages of the '90s in order to keep running our current system, so we have a technical debt that stretches back many decades,” Tumlin told San Francisco’s KQED in February 2023.
They say that as if most of the most popular languages in the '90s aren’t still in common use today. I guess what he really means is that they managed to pick something that was obscure proprietary garbage even back then, and should’ve known better.
- Comment on "The problem with TikTok is not whether it is based in China or the US. The problem with TikTok is TikTok." - (Tuta blog) 11 months ago:
I mean, American data collection is a security issue and propaganda platform too (I say as an American, BTW).
- Comment on "The problem with TikTok is not whether it is based in China or the US. The problem with TikTok is TikTok." - (Tuta blog) 11 months ago:
You’re right. I hope you’re not saying that in order to defend TikTok but rather to support banning Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram too.
- Comment on "The problem with TikTok is not whether it is based in China or the US. The problem with TikTok is TikTok." - (Tuta blog) 11 months ago:
No. The only solution is to ban it to stop the idiots from using it, too. The problem cannot be solved individually, only collectively.