- Comment on Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years 6 months ago:
I… That’s…
Yeah. That’d be pretty rad.
- Comment on Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent 1 year ago:
When has anyone ever read the article? Even the author doesn’t bother anymore, it’s all about headlines baby.
But thank you for running around the comments trying to correct this literal ball of misinformation.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Sorry guys that a inding of Isaac placement is definitely me. I decided to finally beat all the bosses with every character and probably spent the whole month playing that game to do so.
- Comment on What were your top favorite video games as a kid? 1 year ago:
Spyro. Hard stop. Beat over 100% several times. Loved the platform mechanics, the visuals, the humor, and the sense of wonder. Lovely games that basically scratches that itch of a mobile collecting game but with a story to follow and purpose for doing it.
The Halo franchise is also up there but i actually was just one of the people that just built maps in forge for custom game modes and think that was super fun, limits that made me more creative with how i built the maps. Then to see them get played and filled with people was always so fun.