- Comment on SteamOS 3.6.6 Preview for Steam Deck has fixes for ELDEN RING, system memory leak and more 7 months ago:
It’s not. At least not the one that I have. That’s why I’m asking.
- Comment on SteamOS 3.6.6 Preview for Steam Deck has fixes for ELDEN RING, system memory leak and more 7 months ago:
So, just to be clear, you can plug in the Steam Deck into the Dock and it shows up on the display right away without having to power up/down, plug/unplug, or press any button combos to reset controllers or put it into storage mode? Do you plug it in powered on or off? Can you hot-plug while a game is running or no?
I expected it to work more like the Switch where you plug it in and it switches displays but maybe my expectations are too high?
- Comment on SteamOS 3.6.6 Preview for Steam Deck has fixes for ELDEN RING, system memory leak and more 7 months ago:
I can’t even get the Dock to acknowledge that there’s a firmware update despite Valve support saying there are at least 2 newer versions. It has done 1 update in the time that I’ve owned it and no combination of their suggested unplu/plug/restart cycle causes it to start an update.
- Comment on SteamOS 3.6.6 Preview for Steam Deck has fixes for ELDEN RING, system memory leak and more 7 months ago:
It never connects on the first try when plugged into the Deck. I always have to plug/unplug the Power, USB, and HDMI cables to get it to switch over. This has been tried with multiple displays, multiple HDMI cables, and with Steam support. If you look on the Steam Community forums, this seems to be a common issue with some of the early Docks and Valve, for whatever reason, has no answers. I finally got them to replace it after nearly a year and only after the warranty is over.
- Comment on SteamOS 3.6.6 Preview for Steam Deck has fixes for ELDEN RING, system memory leak and more 7 months ago:
Have they fixed the damn Dock yet?
- Comment on Our Flag Means Death was cancelled. Its fans are fighting back: ‘Unhinged – in a good way’ 1 year ago:
I totally agree that less is more but OFMD had some unresolved plots and stories. I’m pretty sure it was planned from the get-go for 3 seasons so losing the last one is a big deal.
- Comment on Ricky Stanicky - Official Trailer | Prime Video 1 year ago:
Have you seen anything else John Cena is in? His comedic chops are excellent. Peacemaker was a fantastic show.
- Comment on Richard Simmons Says He Did Not Give Pauly Shore “Permission” for Biopic 1 year ago:
But what about the money?
- Comment on Meg Ryan Defends Son Jack Quaid Of ‘Nepo Baby’ Label: “That Nepo Stuff Is So Dismissive Of His Work Ethic” 1 year ago:
First off… you don’t need to be a condescending ass, especially when you’re wrong. I used the correct “then” as I wasn’t comparing two things so take your misunderstanding and shove it back where the sun don’t shine.
Secondly, someone having opportunities that others don’t based off of wealth isn’t nepotism. The shared root of the word nepotism comes from the word “nephew” as the entire etymology of the word comes from a king who appointed his nephews to roles to keep his family in power, ignoring their qualifications for the roles to which they were appointed. So, unless people who are wealthy are also being given those opportunities because of their family connections, it’s still not nepotism. Stop trying to redefine the term, especially incorrectly, because you don’t understand what it means or what its historical context is.
Lastly, unless you have evidence of “one or two” instances where Jack Quaid was given roles that he didn’t deserve because he was Meg Ryan’s kid, the point still stands and your response is just as dismissive as the rest of what you’ve said.
- Comment on Meg Ryan Defends Son Jack Quaid Of ‘Nepo Baby’ Label: “That Nepo Stuff Is So Dismissive Of His Work Ethic” 1 year ago:
The first part you say was guaranteed to happen no matter what. That also happens with rich people who aren’t actors. The 2nd part is far less likely as the types of films and shows Jack works on have very little overlap with the type of work Meg Ryan does.
If my view of Hollywood is innocent then what’s yours, considering that I work in the industry?
- Comment on Meg Ryan Defends Son Jack Quaid Of ‘Nepo Baby’ Label: “That Nepo Stuff Is So Dismissive Of His Work Ethic” 1 year ago:
No, it doesn’t. If two people are equally qualified (meaning that their level of qualification is irrelevant) and one person gets the job because of who their family is, that’s nepotism. If their family connection isn’t taken into account or is unknown, it’s not nepotism. Unless Jack Quaid got selected because of his family connection, it’s not nepotism even if his opportunities were greater in number because of his wealth or his exposure to those opportunities was greater because his family already worked in the industry. That’s privilege but it’s not nepotism unless the result is directly and primarily on the basis of those connections.
- Comment on Meg Ryan Defends Son Jack Quaid Of ‘Nepo Baby’ Label: “That Nepo Stuff Is So Dismissive Of His Work Ethic” 1 year ago:
What do you mean? He auditioned for the roles and got them? No one is arguing that he’s not doing fine with himself. No one is arguing that people don’t have the same opportunities. That doesn’t make it nepotism. You know who else does really well for themselves and gets opportunities normal people don’t get, including in Hollywood even when they don’t have family there? Rich people. I’m not trying to force anything on anyone. I’m merely calling it out because it’s not nepotism in this case since he’s not just handed these jobs because of his family connections. For some reason, people want to redefine nepotism to be about the privilege of being in a family that’s known in the industry but that’s not what nepotism is. It is solely about being given something based on that family connection rather than on merit or qualifications.
- Comment on Meg Ryan Defends Son Jack Quaid Of ‘Nepo Baby’ Label: “That Nepo Stuff Is So Dismissive Of His Work Ethic” 1 year ago:
I’m not misunderstanding. You dishonestly left out and ignored the last part of that example - “primarily on the basis of their family connections.” The entire point is that you don’t have to get the good grades and do the volunteering that everyone else does. You gain entry just by virtue of the family connections aka “legacy admissions”. And the Murdoch example is also disingenuous because her father owned the network the channel was on.
- Comment on Meg Ryan Defends Son Jack Quaid Of ‘Nepo Baby’ Label: “That Nepo Stuff Is So Dismissive Of His Work Ethic” 1 year ago:
No. I’m suggesting if he got the job because he earned it then it’s not nepotism. Read what I’m writing. Stop building up some straw man because you’re not able to read.
- Comment on Meg Ryan Defends Son Jack Quaid Of ‘Nepo Baby’ Label: “That Nepo Stuff Is So Dismissive Of His Work Ethic” 1 year ago:
That’s not the same thing. Having opportunities that other people don’t have is not the same thing as being given a job because of who your parents are. If he had to audition, it’s not nepotism. If he didn’t, it is.
- Comment on Meg Ryan Defends Son Jack Quaid Of ‘Nepo Baby’ Label: “That Nepo Stuff Is So Dismissive Of His Work Ethic” 1 year ago:
Read the full page that you pulled that definition from.
“The opposite of nepotism, and of favouritism in general, is meritocracy, in which positions and rewards are granted to people based on their abilities.”
The entire point of nepotism is not that the relation “helped” but that it is the reason given without merit or without regard to the person’s abilities.
- Comment on Meg Ryan Defends Son Jack Quaid Of ‘Nepo Baby’ Label: “That Nepo Stuff Is So Dismissive Of His Work Ethic” 1 year ago:
I’m not denying that. But that’s not nepotism. Nepotism is getting being shown favoritism because of your relation to someone rather than your abilities. That doesn’t seem to be the case here.
- Comment on Meg Ryan Defends Son Jack Quaid Of ‘Nepo Baby’ Label: “That Nepo Stuff Is So Dismissive Of His Work Ethic” 1 year ago:
The whole point of “nepotism” as a term is that someone is getting favoritism based on their relation rather than their actual merits. Look up the etymology and history of the word. It comes from the same root as “nephew”.
- Comment on Meg Ryan Defends Son Jack Quaid Of ‘Nepo Baby’ Label: “That Nepo Stuff Is So Dismissive Of His Work Ethic” 1 year ago:
Doesn’t “nepobaby” imply that he didn’t earn it since nepotism is literally defined as “without merit”? If there’s another word to better describe his successes while also acknowledging his worth ethic, it is a bit unfair to call him a “nepobaby”.
- Comment on YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button 1 year ago:
I don’t think I am. The potential conversions from adults addicted to YouTube with plenty of disposable income (techies) is probably greater than the conversions from a little kid who gets to watch Peppa Pig for 2 hours a day.
- Comment on YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button 1 year ago:
In fairness, those 5% of users probably make up a larger portion of views than their non-blocking counterparts…
Wait… never mind. Fuck fairness. Fuck Google. Fuck YouTube.
- Comment on Steam dropping support for macOS Mojave and by extension 32-bit games 1 year ago:
That’s not waffling… both of those things can be true. It currently works and will continue to but it may stop working in the future depending on what updates happen.
- Comment on Disneyland’s new Star Wars droids are controlled by Steam Decks 1 year ago:
It’s perfect. All the software can be developed and tested on any Linux distribution and matched to the hardware and then run without any modification needed and become instantly portable when needed for demo.