- Comment on [Game] Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition gets updated, needs a fix on Steam Deck 3 months ago:
Mildly off topic, but as a steam deck user, not another penny to rockstar from me. They can suck a bag of dicks.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - November 2024 3 months ago:
I purchased a new monitor and video card right before rockstar pull their stunt with gta v. They arrived the day after I was locked out of gta online. So I feel your pain.
- Comment on When the Steam Deck was still just an idea, Valve says some staff were like, "I just want that for me" and "the point wasn't even to make a product out of it" 4 months ago:
This person is an idiot and can only think of one possibility. They are ignoring the fact that fucking around on the job can have implications like increasing skills. I made the mistake of replying to this person with an anecdote of mine which I am sure will be deconstructed by them like they were there. Point is, boss allowed us to goof off with pet programming projects and that resulted in me experimenting with code I wouldn’t have had the chance otherwise and making a breakthrough, which I then realized how to implement that. So I wasn’t fucking around to make money, but the fucking around gave me the knowledge and skills to them apply that indirectly. But hey this person is determined to infect the thread with their single minded theory that doesn’t make a shit to the actual conversation.
- Comment on When the Steam Deck was still just an idea, Valve says some staff were like, "I just want that for me" and "the point wasn't even to make a product out of it" 4 months ago:
It’s not as strict as you are trying to make it out to be. My favorite job ever was a small company. The owner was fine with us programmers just working on pet projects on company time. I was goofing around at some point and ended up writing us some code that ended up being kind of a workshop for some code that us programmers would have to sit and work on. It allowed non-programmers to set up the same conditions and handled the ‘code’ part internally. It was all because I was just goofing around with program ideas and eventually got to that point where I had my eureka moment. I didn’t set out to waste company time and money, but the end result paid off in droves, which is exactly how it sounds like the deck came to be. Another programmers goofy side project turned into an accounting package that we ended up tying into our actual product. If our boss/owner had been looking at it the way you are describing, none of that would have come to fruition, but look at all the money he would have saved not letting us programmers do what we did. /s
- Comment on Valve Working With Rockstar to Fix GTA Online on Steam Deck 5 months ago:
Not going to hold my breath after getting a ‘fuck you very much’ reply from their tech support.
- Comment on GTA Online now has BattlEye Anti-Cheat is no more playable(for now?) 5 months ago:
They have definitely convinced me to never buy anything they make. I have too many other games in my library, so they can just piss right off.
- Comment on GTA Online now has BattlEye Anti-Cheat is no more playable(for now?) 5 months ago:
Yup. I put in a ticket with Rockstar and here is their official reply. TLDR: Fuck off.
M____. (Rockstar Support)
Sep 17, 2024, 12:51 EDT
Thank you for contacting Rockstar Support.
We certainly understand that you are unable to login to GTA online through Steam Deck after the update.
We would like to inform you that the primary goal of incorporating BattlEye into GTA Online is to enhance the overall gaming experience by actively scanning for cheats and exploits, and preventing players with cheats and mods from entering online. The Steam Deck players will not be able to join GTA Online but should be able to launch single-player without any issues. we appreciate your understanding in this matter.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know. We are here to assist you.
Best regards,
M______. Rockstar Support
- Comment on GTA Online now has BattlEye Anti-Cheat is no more playable(for now?) 5 months ago:
So I guess those of us who would just go to a friend only server immediately upon starting the game, are fucked now if we are using linux. What a bunch of shit.
- Comment on What do you use the back buttons for? 8 months ago:
It doesn’t seem to make my fan go nuts. I have been playing it for a while on the deck and can’t recall that issue.
- Comment on What do you use the back buttons for? 8 months ago:
GTA V. I mapped the top right to hold down the trigger for flying helicopters, or when I don’t want to let off the gas in a car. Bottom right releases it. I use this when I am hauling stuff with the cargobob so I don’t have to keep my hand on the trigger which can be painful after a while. I use them in Valheim to do things like repair when I am at a crafting table. I really like having them and how programmable they are.
- Comment on Steam Deck game library now 29% larger than that of Nintendo Switch 9 months ago:
Well I think neither of the numbers mean much since in my opinion a majority of those games on both systems are just slop. So the numbers of available games is irrelevant to anything in my opinion. It would be like stating or bragging about how many words can be made from the alphabet.
- Comment on mv *.jpg is complete bullshit. 1 year ago:
I saw that answer and was just offering another option. I am sure xargs might work, but you would need to test as you need a destination passed on each line. Back to my way, I have used it for a lot more than just the move command. I think I used it to do a chmod once where I wanted to check and make sure before I committed to actually running the command(s). You could also use find and the -exec option, which I think was also mentioned here.
- Comment on mv *.jpg is complete bullshit. 1 year ago:
When I run into situations like this, I use the commands that work to write out a script. Eg, in your case the wildcard isn’t working with the mv command, so do something like this:
ls -1 *.jpg | awk ‘{print “mv "“$1”" /mnt/example/Pictures”}’ > /tmp/
Then check the and make sure it has all of the commands and files properly stated, make that executable, and then run that.
- Comment on It Fits Perfectly! 1 year ago:
Maybe yours was $3, but mine has super rare limited edition white zipper pulls…
- Comment on It Fits Perfectly! 1 year ago:
Feel free to complain. I love my steam deck, but this case wasn’t free. We all paid for one, we just didn’t have the ability to opt out. And yeah, strange design for something they put so much effort into.
- Comment on Should i wait a Sale to buy the Steam Deck?? | [Discussion] 1 year ago:
I’ll tell you what you don’t have… White zipper pulls.