- Comment on Nearly half of U.S. adults believe LLMs are smarter than they are. 1 week ago:
That’s terrifying. Means those users are significantly more likely to believe what it says.
- Comment on No, Microsoft is NOT dropping Windows 11 support for Intel 8th, 9th, and 10th Gen chips 5 weeks ago:
If this is true, Microsoft needs to explicitly lay it out in their support docs. The fact is their support doc for the newest versions of Win 11 specifically lists supported processors, and makes zero mention of 8-10th gen processor support, doesn’t even mention them as a backwards compatibility thing.
This news article then claims 8th-10th gen processors are still supported, and links to a support article that is specifically about support on older versions of Win 11. Nobody is contesting that older versions if Win 11 support such processors…
- Comment on Microsoft removes Windows 11 24H2 official support on 8th 9th 10th Gen Intel CPUs 5 weeks ago:
Yep, the game runs fine on Linux. The developer, however, is intentionally breaking the game if you run Linux. Just EA doing shitty things, as EA does.
- Comment on Left Apple Maps this week for Magic Earth 5 weeks ago:
Why is 3/5 of the screen not the map? You know, the primary function of a map.
- Comment on Microsoft removes Windows 11 24H2 official support on 8th 9th 10th Gen Intel CPUs 5 weeks ago:
Man, those processors aren’t even that old. The i7-10875H came out in mid 2020 for example. That is a perfectly capable processor that can run most tasks without a sweat.
I’m so damn happy I got out of that ecosystem this year.
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 1 month ago:
In a wider context. It prevents consumers of information from becoming producers of information. If you are in a thread (reddit, stack overflow, w/e) and happen to know an answer or have extra useful information, many people will type that out in a reply. However, with a chatbot, there is nothing to reply to. No place where the wealth of human knowledge can be expanded. Your experience and knowledge is kept to yourself.
This not only means the conversations never happen, it also means future chatbots don’t have this information to work with, as they require the conversations in the first place to draw from.
- Comment on Microsoft experiments with ‘Drag Tray’ — share menu appears when dragging a file in Windows 11 1 month ago:
Used Win 11 at work recently, the explorer context menu still requires you to go through submenus to get to things like 7Zip; things I use constantly and aren’t in a sub-menu in Win 10. I’m not sure why Microsoft decided to ‘improve’ the context menu in the first place.
- Comment on Microsoft experiments with ‘Drag Tray’ — share menu appears when dragging a file in Windows 11 1 month ago:
I’m not sure if this is good or bad, but every time they add a feature, all I can think of is the unfinished Control Panel --> Settings conversion that started in Windows 8, back in 2012. Microsoft seems to have a pathological inability to finish projects before they mess with something new (to leave it undone as well).
- Comment on Researchers say new attack could take down the European power grid 2 months ago:
That system seems almost purpose built to be attacked…
- Comment on Microsoft opens testing for Windows AI search 2 months ago:
Y’all remember when the start menu would actually do a good job searching and opening programs, instead of searching Bing for “Steam”. I don’t want to search Bing for Steam, I want to open Steam, that is why I am typing into the start menu and not into a browser’s search box.
- Comment on FBI wipes Chinese PlugX malware from over 4,000 US computers 2 months ago:
The malware allowed arbitrary code execution, it sounds like the FBI sent the malware a command to delete itself.
That’s pretty darn cool!
- Comment on 'Ending that completely': Facebook gets rid of fact-checkers in wake of Trump's election 2 months ago:
I’m not sure I want Facebook/Zuckerberg deciding what is and isn’t ‘fact’.
- Comment on Even Microsoft Notepad is getting AI text editing now 4 months ago:
They should have stopped after they added tabs to notepad. That was an actually good change.
The whole point of the app is to be simple, any, any extra fluff is detrimental to the core functioning of the app.
- Comment on We took on Google and forced them to pay out £2bn 4 months ago:
What the case was about is ~20 paragraphs down for some reason:
In its 2017 judgement, the European Commission found that Google had illegally promoted its own comparison shopping service in search results, whilst demoting those of competitors.
- Comment on Microsoft details security/privacy overhaul for Windows Recall ahead of relaunch 5 months ago:
Yeah, I still don’t want my computer screen recording everything I do. Nor do I want the computer of everyone I give my personal details to (think, DMV, etc) to also screen record everything they do. This is a massive security nightmare.
- Comment on Microsoft promises major performance improvements for modern Windows 11 apps 6 months ago:
I was pretty pumped back when they announced the app store. I thought it was going to be more like a linux repo, but with optional paid items. I wanted a one-stop-shop for updating my computer.
Then it turned out it didn’t support desktop apps (for a very long time) and had none of the advantages a linux repo has. Used it once, and realized I had already wasted too much of my life on it.
- Comment on Amazon is making its employees come back to the office five days a week 6 months ago:
I enjoy how Amazon talks a big game about how great they are for the environment and their pledge to stop climate change, then they force workers to commute to the office who have been happily doing their jobs over the internet.
- Comment on What is the point of individually wrapping cheese slices in plastic, only to cover a bunch of them in more plastic? 1 year ago:
Makes them easier to separate.
If you buy cheese sliced by your grocer, they generally won’t put anything between the slices, maybe just some wax paper.