- Comment on uBlock Origin is no longer available in the Chrome store 2 weeks ago:
The only reason they can so this is their near monopoly on the browser market.
I remember when Chrome was launched, there was a lot of hype around it, everybody talked about how good and fast it was, I downloaded it, tested it and uninstalled it in 15 min, I didn’t like the UI, and didn’t see the speed advantage everyone was talking about.
- Comment on Spotify says it's fixing the bug that caused Premium users to hear ads 3 weeks ago:
Ok, so they have taken four weeks to even acknowledge this issue, to me this signal that this was more of a test to see how receptive paying users would be to hear ads.
So they will set the $premium_ad_frequency variable to 0 in a day or two while they “fix” the issue.
- Comment on Left Apple Maps this week for Magic Earth 5 weeks ago:
I suspected as much, but in the decade I have been living here, there has never been a camera in that area…
- Comment on Left Apple Maps this week for Magic Earth 5 weeks ago:
It warned me about something called “static camera” or similar, where there are none.
It also warned me about my speed being too high, at that time it was accurate, but later I saw the speedlimit display show the wrong information.
The speedometer is more prominantly displayed in Magic than in Google Maps, it shows on a dark black background while Google maps has their speed info so that it blends into the background, making it less distracting, also Maps shows it only when I am actively navigating, Magic shows it constantly.
- Comment on Left Apple Maps this week for Magic Earth 5 weeks ago:
I know about them, I didn’t realize that they were the same company here, interesting.
- Comment on Left Apple Maps this week for Magic Earth 5 weeks ago:
I’ll gladly give it a try, but I have a question…
How to this company make money?
There are no ads, and they claim to not sell my info, yet they appear to have the funds to make a nice app with a lot of interesting features, how to they accomplish this?
- Comment on Cities need to get ahead of autonomous delivery robots. 1 month ago:
I fully agree, so let’s ban them!
It keeps jobs available, and doesn’t mess with current infrastructure.
- Comment on Microsoft experiments with ‘Drag Tray’ — share menu appears when dragging a file in Windows 11 1 month ago:
Try Shift+right click next time…
That is a menu that gives you even more options than the classic menu (well, at least one more, “Run as a different user”)
- Comment on Meta tells Brazil it's only axing fact checkers in USA 2 months ago:
Ah, that is interesting, I have held off of BTRFS due to believing it was made by Facebook, so I’ll have to give it another chance.
I know it isn’t a rational reason to avoid it, but feeling are not always rational.
Thanks for clearing up the misunderstanding!
- Comment on Meta tells Brazil it's only axing fact checkers in USA 2 months ago:
Well, didn’t they develop BTRFS?
- Comment on Debian /boot is full - LVM complicating resizing the partition 3 months ago:
Humm, I thought the boot partition was required to be at the start of the disk, os that not the case?
- Comment on Debian /boot is full - LVM complicating resizing the partition 3 months ago:
Call me old fashioned but I don’t want to move partitions containing data, especially not on the same disk.
With LVMs there are specific tools to do it, which I would trust more than just moving s partition around
- Comment on Debian /boot is full - LVM complicating resizing the partition 3 months ago:
I would suggest against wasting space by just leaving it completely unused.
The long term sollution is to remember to run apt-get autoremove --purge to have the system remove unused packages like old kernels in /boot
- Comment on Debian /boot is full - LVM complicating resizing the partition 3 months ago:
I have worked with LVMs for my job in the past, I am no expert but I think I can help.
Right, the issue you are seeing with your /boot is that the LVM partition is located right behind it, and the free space is located after the LVM partition.
This means that you can’t increase the size of /boot as the LVM partition is in the way.
This is if I understand it an issue stemming from when we used mechanical hard drives as standard, the parttion table still sees an SSD as a mechanical drive, where partition location is important.
So you simply can’t increase /boot without reinstalling the system.
As for your question why KDE’s partition manager sees your LVM partition as full, that is because it is almost full…
Let me explain.
LVM is an abstraction layer put on top of the disk/partition, here is the concept the LVMs use in your set up:
- Disk
- Partition
- LVM Physical Volume
- LVM Volume Group
- Logic Volume
- Filesystem
The partition manager kan only see layers 0, 1 and 2, it sees the disk, it sees the partition and it sees that the partition is an LVM PV.
The LVM PV takes up almost all the space in the partition, but it just hands that data up the LVM chain, to the LVM VG, that is where you can combine several PVs across several disks into one data set that you can use to create LVM LVs independantly.
So while the partition manager only see that there is an LVM PV in the partition, is has no idea about how that is used.
Now, there is a way to possibly move data and solve your issue, I have only done it on a test system.
You need another disk, and probably a liveUSB.
I will not give exact commands to run, but I will give enough information to make the concept clear, this is so you are required to read the official documentation before continuing.
To possibly solve this (or mess up your data completely, that is allways a risk when moving data around, make backups!) you need to do the following:
Get a new drive that can store all your data.
Make a single LVM partition
Make it an LVM PV and add it to the LVM VG that your current LVM is part of.
Move the LV from the old PV to the new PV (do not just expand the LV!)
Remove the old PV from the VG.
Delete the old LVM partition.
Increase /boot
Create a new LMV partition
Make it a new PV
Add this new PV to the old VG
Move the LV from the temporary PV on the new disk to the smaller PV on the old disk
Remove the temporary PV from the VG.
That should in theory resolve the issue.
Note however, this is a highly dangerous operation, the best thing to do would be to copy your data to new drive and reinstall the computer with the new partitions sizes set from the start.
Finally LVMs are damn cool, but they don’t offer redundancy by default, you can set up a software raid in LVM, but that is not something I have experience with
- Comment on Brits are scrolling away from X and aren't interested in AI 3 months ago:
Find “Brits”, replace with “People”
- Comment on Copilot PCs represent only a tiny fraction of laptop sales — compatible laptops accounted for less than 10% of total shipments in 3Q24 3 months ago:
I can’t wait for the AI fad to die.
- Comment on Microsoft built a PC that can't run local apps — Windows 365 Link starts at $349 and doesn't come with storage 4 months ago:
No, just a thin client
- Comment on Had to reimage my deck; impressed by how well a backup of my home folder carried over system and app settings 4 months ago:
A decade or so ago, I messed around with Linux on my laptop, it was my main computer and I was distro hopping yo see what was out there.
I had my /home on a different partition and it worked well, until I left a USB hard drive plugged in…
It was my main music drive and I accidentaly picked that one to be erased…
I lost 6000+ songs…
- Comment on Unreal Gold and Unreal Tournament are now free on the Internet Archive, and Epic says that's A-okay 4 months ago:
That is brilliant!
I hope we get 2003, 2004 and 3 there eventually
- Comment on Microsoft tests wooden data centers in a bid to cut carbon emissions 4 months ago:
M$, carbon negative?
- Comment on Intel Fails To Achieve Gaudi AI "$500 Million" Revenue Target, Showing Slacking Performance In The AI Segment. 4 months ago:
I work in the finance industry, and you are wrong!
These targets are made by workers putting in a combination of realistic guesses, hopes and dreams into an Excel sheet built in 2006, built by a person who left the industry in half a year later, and was last updated in 2018, adding one page of semi related calculations, taking the resulting numbers giving them to a sales guy to make a confident presentation for the CEO to deliver to the shareholders.
- Comment on NASA powers down science instrument to conserve Voyager 2 power supply 5 months ago:
All good points, and I fully agree with you, I just though it was funny to immagine a space probe charging from a powerbank.
Then I started wondering how a modern powerbank with modern lithium ion cells would compare to the needs of the Voyager 2 probe, and started thinking of how it could be done.
- Comment on NASA powers down science instrument to conserve Voyager 2 power supply 5 months ago:
Yeah, I realize that, but I just thought it would be interesting to put the energy use in perspective…
- Comment on NASA powers down science instrument to conserve Voyager 2 power supply 5 months ago:
Ah, cool that is very interesting!
- Comment on NASA powers down science instrument to conserve Voyager 2 power supply 5 months ago:
They should send a powerbank up to the Voyager.
Yeah, that is a joke but made me wonder two things:
- Say you have the abillity to connect a powerbank to the Voyager, how long would a typical powerbank with 3x 16850 cells be able to power the probe?
- Would it be possible to build a proble like Voyager 2, which has a docking port and could accept a space craft that could transfer power to the Voyager 2?
- Comment on AI coding assistants do not boost productivity or prevent burnout, study finds 5 months ago:
The few times I have used AI to help me with coding has mostly been to ask it for examples on how to use a specific feature, then it has been ok for the most part.
I mostly code in PowerShell, HTML and CSS, and Bing Chat helpful when I am stuck on a small issue.
We also recently started testing Copilot Pro 365, the one that can help you make documents or search through company documents and stuff like that.
As a test I asked it to make me a powerpoint presentation about the top ten podcasting microphones to buy.
The result looked great at first glance, but quicly got very generic.
Sure, it did show pictures of some microphones and even spoke about them, but it was just vauge and generic
- Comment on TikTok launches expanded subscriptions feature for creators 5 months ago:
I read the title as “TikTok launches expanded universe”, and I was a bit confused
- Comment on People are returning Humane AI Pins faster than Humane can sell them, report says 7 months ago:
I didn’t even realize that it wasn’t the R1…
- Comment on People are returning Humane AI Pins faster than Humane can sell them, report says 7 months ago:
It was manufactured ewaste from the start.
It should have been shipped straight to the recycler directly from the factory and never bothered with the customer bit in the middle.
- Comment on Microsoft strips ads from Skype in a move toward “user-centric design” 7 months ago:
Any removal of ads should be up voted