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- Comment on LG's new stretchable display can grow by 50%, bendy panels can be deformed into new form factors 5 weeks ago:
Sure, I agree that there’s some amount of stretching, but not really an amount that’s noticeable on a human scale. Like if you creased one piece of paper then laid it out next to an uncreased piece, you’re not really going to see a length difference.
- Comment on LG's new stretchable display can grow by 50%, bendy panels can be deformed into new form factors 5 weeks ago:
I’m not familiar with the phones you mentioned, but folding and unfolding something doesn’t stretch it or change its length. Think about folding and unfolding a piece of paper.
- Comment on Hades II's First Patch Changes How Sprint And Resource Collecting Works 7 months ago:
Do you think they needed to change how resource collection worked? I kind of liked that you had to pick a tool based on which resource you needed at the moment.
- Comment on Twitch Will Shut Down Its Streaming Platform in South Korea 1 year ago:
Love me some ASL.
- Comment on Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours 1 year ago:
Do you play indie games? They seem to be exactly what you’re describing.