- Comment on [Discussion] - What are some niche applications / use cases you've gotten working on your deck? 4 weeks ago:
The Deck is a pretty nefty device. I used it for half a year as a daily driver, which included everything from gaming to light embedded development. I’ve also used it as a ground control station when flying my legacy drones, or as a relay for my main rig when tinkering on unhandy equipment (such as accessing my cars OBDII from the warm living room).
I’ve also tinkered with secured storage on the Deck, but found that LUKS needs the Deck to be unlocked (note: All of the above can be done without disabling the read-only system). I found a somewhat functional workaround using rwfus, which makes an overlay on top of the read-only system, on which I then can install packages such as veracrypt. I also tried NIX to this end, but found it to be way too much work to learn to use proper for my usecase.
And while not really anything mind-bending: I’ll be spending the next few days in our summerhouse with my sister to celebrate ‘Fastelavn’, where I expect to bring my Deck and a Steam Controller for some evening Kingdom 80’s co-op.
- Comment on Too loud? 2 months ago:
There was a supply shortage of fans during the launch of the LCD model. Valve solved this by shipping two types of fans until supply was restored. If you had one of the alternative fans, then your SD would have a pretty bad whine.
Though, Valve offered original replacement fans via. IFixIt soon after, so you could just buy the better fan and change it. I did.
- Comment on Any hints on how to connect the steam deck to the tv 2 months ago:
The by far easiest method is to install the Steam Link app on the TV. Though, Samsung removed the app a few years ago for some reason. (Yup, i too had a Samsung TV, though likely my last.)
The next easiest method, though not wireless, is to get a dock or USB hub and then use a HDMI cable.
Alternatively, if you are a little tech-savvy, you could boot into desktop mode on the SD and see if you can get Moonlight (please excuse the reddit link) to work, though I have no experience with that tool.
- Comment on Do you use your Deck for non-gaming purposes? If so, what do you use it for? 4 months ago:
“I let Twitch chat control this machine gun mounted turret, and the first thing they did was draw dickbutt in the sand, after which they kept shooting at the passing heavy armor.”
- Comment on Do you use your Deck for non-gaming purposes? If so, what do you use it for? 4 months ago:
Used mine as my main PC for half a year, doing everything from gaming (duh) to embedded development. Used RWFUS to install packages not available on flathub, but have recently started experimenting with the NIX package manager (I’m still running SteamOS).
My sister uses hers as a test and development machine for linux and Android applications.
Thought about using my SD in my model aircraft hobby, but never got around to that. Maybe I’ll use it when playing around with my car with the OBD2 adapter, since i can easily connect to it from my current main rig.
- Comment on Hori’s officially licensed Steam controller is coming to the US 4 months ago:
What really sets the Steam Controller (and the Steam Deck’s control layout) apart from the market are the dual touchpads and dynamically/easily programmable buttons. The above just looks like a reskinned XBox controller, and, if I read the article right, it needs a “companion app” to get full functionality out of the controller.
I hope that they at least made sure that the companion app works on the Steam Deck.
- Comment on Microsoft breaks some Linux dual-boots in a recent Windows update 7 months ago:
Huh, is Windows screwing over GRUB and Linux not a bi-monthly experience anymore? Sad that it happened, but glad that it’s become novelty enough to write about.
- Comment on Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam 8 months ago:
Could be worse, could be like XBox’ layout. shudders
- Comment on [Game] Apex Legends Upheaval update live with EOS Anti-Cheat breaking it on Steam Deck / Linux 10 months ago:
I guess that’s one way to announce End Of Service.
- Comment on Discord Quests have started (ads) 11 months ago:
That does make way more sense. Though, the ad makes it seem like a (clothing) set and not a skin, but I’ve never played the finals so I wouldn’t know.
- Comment on Discord Quests have started (ads) 11 months ago:
So the way that promotion is worded, if I stream “the finals” to a friend for 15 minutes I’m guaranteed to receive that item, shipping paid for and all, like in a quest? Or are they just baiting and entering you in a lottery?
Seems like an easy way to farm real life merchandise.
- Comment on Someone redesigned the Steam UI, and I need it. 1 year ago:
All in all? Pretty horrendous. Looks like a template taken from Soulless MoneyGrab Inc. but with some added steam elements.
Change and innovation is not bad, but while perhaps not especially beautifully, the current user interface is pretty decent in the storm that is nowadays “looks over function”-mentality.
- Comment on They forgot the LGBTQ... 1 year ago:
The rich Americans are seldomly native Amaricans, so the meme is right about the immigrants holding all the money.
- Comment on What do we think of greenpeace activists? 1 year ago:
Right, I thought it was a group of employees doing this over an extended period of time, might not be a fair comparison after all then.
Not that it’s a fair comparison to begin with, I just held a similar amount of annoyance toward the two.
- Comment on What do we think of greenpeace activists? 1 year ago:
Can’t talk for anyone else, but I put them in the same category as PETA.
They probably do a lot of good, but it feels like the good they do is outweighed by all the bad they do to get there.
Like kidnapping collared dogs from the streets to euthanize them (PETA), or fighting the (at the time) only realistic alternative to oil, giving all the rich oil sheiks a hard on and adding to the already bad global warming problem (Greenpeace).
- Comment on Why is anti-cheat always client-side? 1 year ago:
So is cheating, yet we still have cheaters.