- Comment on Trump’s likely FCC chair wrote Project 2025 chapter on how he’d run the agency 4 months ago:
Brendan Carr wants to preserve data caps
Please say sike…please…
Hopium: Streaming services get mad they have to compete for subscriber’s bandwidth and thus being stayed subscribed to.
- Comment on Star Citizen is free for the next few days, please don't accidentally buy a $300 spaceship 8 months ago:
Excellent points! Just want to iterate, I’m not a mega fan or anything close. Just saw this thread was a “SC scam” circle-jerk of sorts, and wanted to provide some counter-info from someone who has played, and in the past did a fair amount of reading and watching their more technical posts.
When I say mechanics from scratch, I mean there is no industry standard they can copy, ex: Like true zero 0g in space piloting, with 0 aerodynamics, then flying down to a planet where those start to exist. They had a blog post about having to overcome that.
As far as the economy goes, years ago they had a more technical video where their top guy doing the (architecture, engineering?) was explaining and showing live examples of a very basic version working. Blew my mind and made me appreciate their goal.
Engine swap was basically an upgrade they realized they would need for the scope of the game. IIRC, they went from CryEngine to Lumberyard, which is a custom CryEngine reworked to be an excellent match specifically for Amazon’s AWS from what I can tell.
I’m just using the word galaxy from a sci-fi point of view. Not a literal galaxy size with an unfathomable amount of stars, planets, etc.
4 years ago the default answer for why it’s taking so long is always they have to create multiple tools and programs to be able to create what they want at the scale they want. Like not every planet can be hand crafted, they need to create a program that is able to create 100s of planets and have them be unique, and fast.
I personally view all their promises and hype from the view of coming from a potential con-man, whose vision is everything I’d ever want in what is IMO, going to be a big MMO. And I’m personally pleasently surprised with what they’ve created so far, including looks into the tools they’re making. As of 4 years ago when I last looked.
I feel like trying to say that they are objectively a scam is dishonest. If someone is curious, check it out on Twitch, go through their blogs and YouTubes of them showing off their work in progress tools. Decide if you wanna risk $40 or not. Which I’d argue is a fair amount considering how much content there is now, that I’ve enjoyed in the past. It’s not an excuse, but Early Access gaves have launched with far less, and much less stable or optimized.
- Comment on Star Citizen is free for the next few days, please don't accidentally buy a $300 spaceship 8 months ago:
I haven’t checked in 4 years because I only invested $25 year 1 lmao. I don’t know about you, but spending $25 knowing it has a chance to faiI, or be an out right scam, isn’t something I worry about in the slightest. I l have not the slightest idea if they’ll ever pull it off, either. Until I see some article that’s like “New SC update releases much anticipated mechanic, and is a major milestone reached.” Mind you I don’t subscribe to anything strictly SC.
Other than that I’ll see it on Twitch every few months and tune in, and those are usually a massive group doing planned content. Like a 50v50 battle at some base on a planet, with tanks, ships, fps shooting, etc. It’s always impressive to see the scale and capabilities of the game that way.
- Comment on Star Citizen is free for the next few days, please don't accidentally buy a $300 spaceship 8 months ago:
Cyberpunk is one city, and a very impressive one. A far cry from the goal of a life sim in an entire galaxy, though.
- Comment on Star Citizen is free for the next few days, please don't accidentally buy a $300 spaceship 8 months ago:
Correct, it is a game currently in Alpha.
- Comment on Star Citizen is free for the next few days, please don't accidentally buy a $300 spaceship 8 months ago:
That’s not a starting budget. That’s been a rolling budget for like 15+ years now. There’s been articles and discussions I read when I last checked in that came to the conclusion they’ve had long stretches where they were spread thin on $.
- Comment on Star Citizen is free for the next few days, please don't accidentally buy a $300 spaceship 8 months ago:
To anyone shitting on Star Citizen, they’ve accomplished outstanding things: -They’ve constantly been working on a budget that was only every a fraction of a budget for something like a AAA Star Wars game would get. -A ton of the core mechanics had to be made from scratch, because the current industry standard would constrain the game. -They swapped over to using what is close to a brand new game engine. -They have steadily and slowly rolled out new core game mechanics -They’re working on simulating an entire galaxy’s economy. Such as if an astroid is discovered to have a ton of valuable ore, neighboring planets and habitats see an increase in NPC population from people seeking work. This causes trade routes to shift over time, and hot spots for pirates and police move around to reflect this. -You can download the game in its current state, and hop on see what they’ve created at any time.
I purchased their low tier $25 pledge package a few months after they officially started. It’s a $25 gamble, which personally seems very reasonable given what they stated their goals are, and what they’ve produced so far.
I’ve checked in on the game and played it about 3 times since then, and every single time I am absolutely blown away by what they’ve accomplished. So much that the last time I tried it about 4 years ago, I bought 2 entry level flight joysticks for about $100. It was unbelievably fun and immersive.
Me and a group of about 6 friends all gathered at a space port. One of us had purchased a medium size well rounded utility ship, and fitted it out nicely. We all piled in, and that same friend who also has 2 joysticks flew us off to a new mission they just released. The equivalent of a huge rich people’s size yacht in space got boarded by pirates and taken control of the ship. We had to fly in, take out pirate ships together as a crew mounting various guns and copilot seats. Find a small airlock, swing the ship around, all don an EV suit, open our back cargo door, and egress across to the door, open it, split up in groups to eliminate the pirates first person shooter style, and collect our in game $ reward.
- Comment on Star Citizen is free for the next few days, please don't accidentally buy a $300 spaceship 8 months ago:
You can literally go download the game in its current state right now, and fly around your $30 spaceship. I last checked in ~4 years ago and it was insanely impressive what they’ve done.