Comment on Star Citizen is free for the next few days, please don't accidentally buy a $300 spaceship ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

To anyone shitting on Star Citizen, they’ve accomplished outstanding things: -They’ve constantly been working on a budget that was only every a fraction of a budget for something like a AAA Star Wars game would get. -A ton of the core mechanics had to be made from scratch, because the current industry standard would constrain the game. -They swapped over to using what is close to a brand new game engine. -They have steadily and slowly rolled out new core game mechanics -They’re working on simulating an entire galaxy’s economy. Such as if an astroid is discovered to have a ton of valuable ore, neighboring planets and habitats see an increase in NPC population from people seeking work. This causes trade routes to shift over time, and hot spots for pirates and police move around to reflect this. -You can download the game in its current state, and hop on see what they’ve created at any time.

I purchased their low tier $25 pledge package a few months after they officially started. It’s a $25 gamble, which personally seems very reasonable given what they stated their goals are, and what they’ve produced so far.

I’ve checked in on the game and played it about 3 times since then, and every single time I am absolutely blown away by what they’ve accomplished. So much that the last time I tried it about 4 years ago, I bought 2 entry level flight joysticks for about $100. It was unbelievably fun and immersive.

Me and a group of about 6 friends all gathered at a space port. One of us had purchased a medium size well rounded utility ship, and fitted it out nicely. We all piled in, and that same friend who also has 2 joysticks flew us off to a new mission they just released. The equivalent of a huge rich people’s size yacht in space got boarded by pirates and taken control of the ship. We had to fly in, take out pirate ships together as a crew mounting various guns and copilot seats. Find a small airlock, swing the ship around, all don an EV suit, open our back cargo door, and egress across to the door, open it, split up in groups to eliminate the pirates first person shooter style, and collect our in game $ reward.
