- Comment on Good gaming experiences with no HUD? 1 year ago:
Sorry, when you said “have the mindset that you are the character”, that came across to me as believing you are the character. Also, I have been told in the past by people who care about immersion that that is what immersion is, so I’m still trying to grasp what it actually is. I’m also struggling to see having a UI hurts immersion, especially since, as you say, reading a book is immersion, and a book is all text. I’m wondering, also, if maybe different people mean different things when they talk about immersion.
- Comment on Good gaming experiences with no HUD? 1 year ago:
That sounds like the same thing. If I actually believe I am actually the character, I have been tricked.
- Comment on why am I told that I'm a child on the internet?? I'm 20!! 1 year ago:
People in their 20s are still basically teenagers.
- Comment on Good gaming experiences with no HUD? 1 year ago:
This makes more sense to me than the “I believe I’m actually in the game world” definition I’ve been given before
- Comment on Good gaming experiences with no HUD? 1 year ago:
I feel like what you’re talking about is something more like “deep involvement”
- Comment on Good gaming experiences with no HUD? 1 year ago:
I don’t think it’d be possible to trick me into thinking I’m not playing a video game. You can have 0 UI, and I’ll still know I’m looking at a screen and pushing buttons.