- Comment on Oracle and Microsoft are reportedly in talks to take over TikTok 1 month ago:
- Comment on Reddit bans posting UnitedHealthcare shooter’s manifesto 3 months ago:
Thanks; a few dbzero recommendations in addition to your own so maybe I’ll give that a go. I was aware of the structure of Lemmy and it’s options of server choice but like many, I started on .world as I assumed being the biggest fish in a small pond would at least yield the most content and users (which was the beauty of reddit) we can all agree content and participation is still a struggle even on .world so I haven’t tried other instances. I’ll at least try that before moving on.
- Comment on Reddit bans posting UnitedHealthcare shooter’s manifesto 3 months ago:
They locked the news post entirely because some comments weren’t bootlicking. My comment was removed for saying “can’t imagine why that happened” which neither “calls for nor celebrates violence” as the mod stated, the latter “celebrating” being his or her invention to broaden the scope of the censoring of comments outside the stated server and community rules.
I’m current researching alternatives and have no idea where to go. I’m pretty drained after a year on Lemmy trying to make this work. I’d look at mastodon but seems like it’s more Twitter than longer form discussion and boards.
- Comment on The Pentagon wants AI to enhance the capabilities of US nuclear weapons systems 4 months ago:
Realistically? Probably influenza or a pox after vaccines are outlawed or priced out of reach for enough of the species.
- Comment on CNN will start locking some articles behind a paywall 5 months ago:
Hopefully the whole site!
- Comment on Blizzard Co-Founder Reveals True Reason For Departure 5 months ago:
Healthcare, education, transportation…it’s like the opposite of the Life of Brian scene about the Romans talking about what they brought areas they took control of.
- Comment on Calif. Governor vetoes bill requiring opt-out signals for sale of user data 5 months ago:
When he got caught breaking his state’s own Covid restrictions at French Laundry, the fanciest of wait list fancies in Napa wine country, it’s all you needed to know.
- Comment on Verizon looks to expand Fios with $20 billion purchase of Frontier 6 months ago:
The companies announce it, then the FTC can challenge it/sue to block for anticompetitive reasons.
- Comment on X’s new AI image generator will make anything from Taylor Swift in lingerie to Kamala Harris with a gun 7 months ago:
This is definitely a superhero button meme decision anxiety situation.
- Comment on Illinois changes biometric privacy law to help corporations avoid big payouts 7 months ago:
Good legislation makes violators feel the hurt if they break a law. Reducing it changes the equation so changing isn’t as necessary and it’ll just be another cost of bit businesses. Small businesses, likely not flaunting laws deliberately could be hurt by fines so large in the original, which is why fines should ALWAYS be based on relative earnings/revenue/profit/etc.
- Comment on FCC blasts T-Mobile’s 365-day phone locking, proposes 60-day unlock rule 8 months ago:
💯 Except, Chevron much? Limited and toothless regulatory operations are going to be fully corrupted follow SCROTUM ruling.
- Comment on CenturyLink left users with no service for two months, then billed them $239 10 months ago:
It’s just a relief that competition is so healthy I’m the market, anti-consumer practices like denying a paid service and not fixing it because you know you don’t have a regulator, are just forced out of businesses.
Lost internet from a different ISP for a week in Jan, escalated through every channel possible including local, state, fcc, Cfpb, DOJ consumer division, PUC…in the end the company fixed it exactly when they wanted, which took 5 minutes. Internet is more important than water in 2024, it can’t be optional to provide.
Net neutrality is nice, but we also need service regulation with minimum standards. Presidential election this year will be huge to determine if FCC immediately defended by Trump or allowed to continue pushing back against telecom lobby
- Comment on UK's antitrust enforcer sounds the alarm over Big Tech's grip on GenAI 11 months ago:
Sure, Goldman Sachs just announced they’re reducing new grad hires by 75%
- Comment on UK's antitrust enforcer sounds the alarm over Big Tech's grip on GenAI 11 months ago:
Lol, do they have any thoughts on their finance industry? Almost like a cutthroat, zero-sum, profit ahead of everything isn’t a healthy basis? Pretending it’s new is disingenuous, but maybe they feel they at least have a chance to affect this having given up on other more developed industries?
- Comment on NYC’s AI Chatbot Tells Businesses to Break the Law 11 months ago:
Yeah not talking about flowery language.
HR needs automated text and audio(pretty much the same with transcription) screening/interviewing. It needs to be able to ask industry or role-specific questions, generate follow ups based on responses, and rank the answers accurately or at least better than humans do(which is miserable coin flip). 75% of interviewing could be done away with.
Right now however, the quality would be poor and the risk astronomical. I’m sure we’ll get there in 5-10 years. The risk will still be there to a degree, but just like autonomous cars, at some point it will be statistically proven that the AI is less biased and of course more efficient.
The crap part will be subscribing to updates for your AI. "Oh, you want it to ask questions about that new software? $$$
- Comment on NYC’s AI Chatbot Tells Businesses to Break the Law 11 months ago:
Work in HR. Have a very smart boss. Asked me about AI for recruiting, screening and other purposes. Told my boss, wait 5 years, we’ll see the catastrophic lawsuits and early adopters, then after 5 more there will be some plug and play usable solutions.
Anyone eating up Big4 and startups own horseshit deserve what they get. They’ve fully demonstrated they don’t QC, and especially on critical, difficult to parse, contextual or changing info.
- Comment on Orson Welles Drunk Outtakes for Paul Masson Wine Commercial 1 year ago:
He was apparently super jet lagged and had taken a sleeping pill to try to make time difference from where he was traveling to where the commercial was being filmed. Near the end he’s much better and clearer as the pill had worn off over what we can assume are a few hours of takes.
It’s still funny though in context.