- Comment on Chatbots offer cops the “ultimate out” to spin police reports, expert says 6 months ago:
Hell they already submit plenty of pseudoscience as evidence that juries lap up like a pack of dehydrated wolves in the desert. Why not add some worthless text that shows the officer in a sublime light as well?
- Comment on Stadiums Are Embracing Face Recognition. Privacy Advocates Say They Should Stick to Sports 7 months ago:
I misread tone on the upset part then. All due apologies for that one.
- Comment on Stadiums Are Embracing Face Recognition. Privacy Advocates Say They Should Stick to Sports 7 months ago:
Just like paid streaming services, Reddit, Twitter, etc., they’re free to charge as much as they want, bilk mountains of money out of people while simultaneously selling out their personal data and content.
But they won’t take my money or my data.
That’s the only thing I can control, so I do.
You seem upset that I pointed any of this out. Not sure why. I was a rabid baseball fan growing up and was fortunate enough to have both American and National League teams to go watch. I could afford to attend several games each year by mowing lawns as a teenager.
Today, with considerably more income, it’s more financially difficult to attend a game than it was when I was a ragtag odd job teenager.
Since spectator sports are not a necessity, and I personally think they cost too much, I chose to cease my attendance.
You do you. Won’t bother me.
- Comment on Stadiums Are Embracing Face Recognition. Privacy Advocates Say They Should Stick to Sports 7 months ago:
Everything is on TV
Ticket prices are on par with a mortgage payment
Parking prices are on par with a day’s pay
Concessions damn near require financing
And let’s treat every person who comes through the gates like a terrorist
(Not that they care since the sweet sweet luxury boxes bring in a ton of revenue)
Last professional sporting event I attended was in 2013.
Last time I paid to attend a professional sporting event was in 2005.
I just see no reason to bother with it.
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Yeah I see. I completely misread it
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
I think I misunderstood. I thought you were stating that the vaccine caused one in a thousand to die.
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
0.1% chance of death is one in a thousand. That seems mighty high.
- Comment on We were warned. 1 year ago:
Back in my soda drinking days, Dr. Thunder was pretty legit.
- Comment on Snow! 1 year ago:
The laws of physics do not apply to the mighty Dodge Ram. Full speed ahead!
- Comment on Be amazed by the uses of Tech... 1 year ago:
I wish I had thought of this when I was growing up on the coast. How long would the ruler need to be to see the effect?